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Title: Empowerment delle donne e well-being dei bambini: un approccio allo sviluppo umano
Authors: Canta, Alba Francesca
Keywords: Women’s empowerment;Children’s well-being;Capability approach
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: CANTA, A.F. (2020). "Empowerment delle donne e well-being dei bambini: un approccio allo sviluppo umano." Culture e Studi del Sociale, 5(1), 153-160.
Abstract: The purpose of this essay is to briefly examine the discriminations against women and the possible relation between women’s empowerment and children’s well-being. The study is based on a different approach, the capability approach, set up by Amartya Sen in 1980 that describe a new way to assessing a country’s wealth: dignity, rights and opportunities to live a life of value. Capabilities, functioning, agency and empowerment are the main pillars of this concept which is proposed as an alternative of a traditional paradigm. Indeed, the latter value people’s life only in terms of owned assets considering them only as an end and never as a mean to reach something else.
ISSN: 2531-3975
Appears in Collections:Culture e Studi del Sociale. Vol. 5, n. 1 (2020)

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