Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/4824
Abstract: In recent times, the sacred components of traditional African festivals have been watered down, and it becomes difficult to decipher the significance of these festivals, from mere entertainments. Consequently, this study argues that ritual festivals in Nigerian, have-to a great extent, lost the ritual potency for which they originated. It is explored thetransition from festival theatre, to flekztival theatre performance, using Emuodje flekztival of Ekakpamre people of Southern Nigeria, as a paradigm. Periodic festival celebrations in African societies may be categorized into festival theatre, quasi-festival theatre and flekztival theatre. Moreover, flekztivals are products and constructs of modernity, civilization and globalization. Although Emuodje festivalhad lost its sacred gaze, there is still a lot in it to facilitate a full discourse in traditional African festival.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Sinestesieonline. A. 9, no. 29 (Maggio 2020)

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