Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/5229
Abstract: Augustin works out, in his long production, a complex but unitary vision of creation; according to him, the history is the scene of the course of human actions (theatrum mundus) and God is at the same time creator and sole viewer (spectator). For this reason the political action, that rules men in the history, will be effective precisely by imitating the project of the divine providence. It’s in this thought system that Augustin includes, in De Civitate Dei, his remarks about theatre; starting from informations based on Varro’s works, Augustin describes theatral plays, in which gods are performed, as the symbol of the crisis of the pagan world; its mythology illustrated in theatres and idolized in temples, in fact, is considered false and opposite to philosophical rationality by the same roman wises (included Varro).
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Sinestesieonline. A. 9, no. 30 (Settembre 2020)

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