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Titolo: De receptatoribus
Autore: Minieri, Luciano
Data: 2017
Citazione: Minieri, L. “De receptatoribus.” Iura and Legal Systems 2017, B(2): 37-60.
Abstract: In this contribution I tried to analyze the figure of the receptor/receptator, that is the abettor of latrones (but also of others crime), the one who grant them aid and without whom, as Ulpiano and Marciano say, no fugitive can extend his unavailability long (sine quibus latro diutius latere non potest). After a careful etymological analysis of words receptor and fautor, that led to exclude the presence in the sources of typical features of the today’s crime of receiving stolen property, I proceeded to examine the passages in which it seem to recognize the first episodes of abetment (Liv. 39.17.3; D. e D. Then I considered the cases recalled in the Severus jurisprudence and by imperial intervention and at last I realized a careful examination of respective titles of the Codex Theodosianus e of the Codex Iustinianus.
URI: http://www.rivistagiuridica.unisa.it/index
ISSN: 2385-2445
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 4 (Gennaio - Dicembre 2017)

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