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Title: Le disposizioni anticipate di trattamento: luci ed ombre
Authors: Urciuoli, Maria Antonietta
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Urciuoli, M.A. “Le disposizioni anticipate di trattamento: luci ed ombre.” Iura and Legal Systems VI.2019/4, B(3): 51-71.
Abstract: The recent forecast about the advanced treatment Provisions and their binding nature and effectiveness (Articles 4 and 5 Law 22nd December 2017, n. 219) leads to many challenges concerning the validity of fundamental characteristics about current events, serious consideration, specific nature and form. These requirements are rightly considered as being central elements for the validity of all the self-determination acts in such matter as well as for the legitimacy itself of every single treatment. The purpose of our work is to examine the positive benefits but also the negative effects of the legislation such as that at issue.
ISSN: 2385-2445
Appears in Collections:Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 6, n. 4 (Ottobre - Dicembre 2019)

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