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dc.contributor.authorSchiaffo, Francesco-
dc.identifier.citationSchiaffo, F. “La «longue durée» della cultura manicomiale nella legislazione italiana: dalla legge n.180/1978 al «superamento degli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari».” Iura and Legal Systems VIII.2021/1, C (4): 49-63.it_IT
dc.description.abstractIt has only been since 1994 that the strategies for the real application of law no. 180 /1978 have been defined and implemented in Italy. The law was and still is thoroughly avant-garde on the international scene regarding the closure and replacement of psychiatric hospitals. However, the deeply rooted, centuries-old asylum culture led to a 16-year delay in the implementation of the reforms which continued until recently. To complete the work begun in 1978, the decision was made to proceed with the "definitive closure of judicial psychiatric hospitals" by passing Law no .9 /2012. To adapt this new law to the principles of law no.180 /1978, the relative provisions were amended six times in less than two years. From a historiographical perspective, the «longue durée» theorised by the French Annales school offers a useful reference model for an adequate explanation of such long periods and persistent uncertainties. On the other hand, in political-economic terms, the difficulties of social inclusion of the “deviant”, the “psychically disturbed” and the “inefficient” correspond perfectly to a “one-way” production model that is entirely in accordance with the “logic of capital” which leaves little room for political, economic and social solidarity.it_IT
dc.format.extentP. 49-63it_IT
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dc.titleLa «longue durée» della cultura manicomiale nella legislazione italiana: dalla legge n.180/1978 al «superamento degli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziariit_IT
dc.typeJournal Articleit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 8, n. 1 (Gennaio - Marzo 2021)

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