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Title: Osservazioni sul ruolo del Consiglio europeo in relazione al “Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo”
Authors: Ruccia, Nicola
Keywords: New Pact;European Council;Multiannual financial framework;External action;Decision-making
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Ruccia, N. "Osservazioni sul ruolo del Consiglio europeo in relazione al “Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo”." Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies 2 (2021): 261-280
Abstract: This paper analyses the role of the European Council in the promulgation and implementation of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Firstly, it examines the main tools as well as the actions through which this role has been carried out and, secondly, how they compare with the initiatives of the Commission and the European Parliament on the matter. Moreover, it grasps the extent and implications of the newly gained powers of the European Council over the political affairs of the EU, and how that is made at the expense of the supranational institutions of the EU.
ISSN: 2532-2079
Appears in Collections:Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies (2021), n.2

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