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dc.contributor.authorGuida, Maurizio-
dc.contributor.authorZullo, Fulvio-
dc.contributor.authorBuonomo, Barbara-
dc.contributor.authorMarra, Marialuisa-
dc.contributor.authorPalatucci, Valeria-
dc.contributor.authorPascale, Renato-
dc.contributor.authorVisconti, Federica-
dc.contributor.authorGuerra, G.-
dc.contributor.authorSpinelli, Marialuigia-
dc.contributor.authorDi Spiezio Sardo, Attilio-
dc.identifier.citationGuida M, Zullo M, Buonomo B, et al. Estrogens and neuropeptides in postmenopausal women: un update. Translational Medicine @ UniSa 2012;3(4):25-41en_US
dc.description.abstractMenopause is characterized by depletion of ovarian follicles, a reduction of ovarian hormones to castrate levels and elevated levels of serum gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary gland. Although this process has significant repercussions throughout the body and affects a large proportion of our society, the neuroendocrine control mechanisms that accompany menopause are poorly understood. This review aims to examine rigorously the most accredited literature to provide an update about our current understanding of the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis in the onset of and transition into female reproductive senescence, focusing on the role of some specific neuropeptides in regulating the HPG axis and on their effects on several menopausal symptoms, especially referring to the cardiovascular risk, to open up new horizons for new therapeutic strategiesen_US
dc.format.extentP. 25-41en_US
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoen_US
dc.subjectNeuropetide Yen_US
dc.subjectNeurokinin Ben_US
dc.titleEstrogens and neuropeptides in postmenopausal women: un updateen_US
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Translational Medicine @ UniSa. Vol.3 (may.-aug. 2012)

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M. Guida, F. Zullo, B. Buonomo et. al. ESTROGENS AND NEUROPEPTIDES IN POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN. UN UPDATE (25-41).pdfarticolo di rivista374,18 kBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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