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Titolo: Illuminating Berlin – looking back in the year 25
Autore: Barricelli, Michele
Data: 2014
Editore: M. Barricelli, Illuminating Berlin – looking back in the year 25, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 43
Citazione: Michele Barricelli, Illuminating Berlin – looking back in the year 25, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 43, [Consultabile solo online], dx.doi.org/10.1515/phw-2014-3057
Abstract: A quarter of a century after the fall of the Berlin Wall, this historic event was commemorated by a celebration, held in Berlin last month and greeted with great acclaim by the general public and the media alike: the “Border of Lights.” Combining lightness and exhilaration, this commemorative installation paid refreshing tribute to the trials and tribulations of the past. There was precious little analysis, but all the more revelation instead. Nevertheless, every word uttered was believed and a new, challenging dimension was added to history teaching.
Ein Vierteljahrhundert nach dem “Mauerfall” erinnerte vergangenen November in Berlin ein von Publikum und Feuilleton verzückt aufgenommenes Event – die “Lichtgrenze” – an jenes berauschende Ereignis. Die Vergegenwärtigung schwerer Vergangenheit gelang durch deren leichthändige Aufhebung in tausendfacher Form. Analyse gab es dementsprechend wenig, umso mehr Offenbarung. Man glaubte trotzdem jedes nicht gesagte Wort und verzeichnet eine neue Größe der geschichtsdidaktischen Herausforderung.
URI: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/2-2014-43/illuminating-berlin-looking-back-year-25/
ISSN: 2197-6376
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