Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/6227
Titolo: Il museo racconta la scuola tra passato e presente
Autore: Borruso, Francesca <Università di Roma Tre>
Marta Brunelli, Marta <Università di Macerata>
Parole chiave: History of education;School heritage;Museum education;Public history of education;Heritage education
Data: 2022
Editore: F. Borruso, M. Brunelli, "Il museo racconta la scuola tra passato e presente", in La Public History tra scuola, università e territorio. Una introduzione operativa, Firenze: University Press, pp. 59-74
Citazione: Francesca Borruso, Marta Brunelli, "Il museo racconta la scuola tra passato e presente", in La Public History tra scuola, università e territorio. Una introduzione operativa, edited by Gianfranco Bandini, Paolo Bianchini, Francesca Borruso, Marta Brunelli, Stefano Oliviero, Firenze: University Press, 2022, pp. 59-74
Abstract: The Museums of educational heritage - especially those established in University Departments – represent an extraordinary resource for scientific research, education, and the Third Mission, which is aimed at promoting collaboration, dialogue and exchange between the University and its territory to generate knowledge and benefit of social, cultural, and economic nature as well. Within the Third Mission precisely lies Public History defined as "the communication of history outside academic environments" (AIPH 2018). In this framework the paper presents some examples of educational projects and activities carried out with local schools and communities by the "Mauro Laeng" Museum of school and education at the University of Roma Tre, and by the "Paolo & Ornella Ricca" Museum of school history at the University of Macerata. The final aim is to provide a methodological approach, project ideas, and operational tools for inspiring schoolteachers and professors, university researchers and museum educators.
URI: https://media.fupress.com/files/pdf/24/12935/34160
ISBN: 978-88-5518-616-2
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Contributi in volume / Contributions in books

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