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dc.identifier.citationBuone pratiche di Public History per la formazione e il territorio, in La Public History tra scuola, università e territorio. Una introduzione operativa, edited by Gianfranco Bandini, Paolo Bianchini, Francesca Borruso, Marta Brunelli, Stefano Oliviero, Firenze: University Press, 2022, pp. 139-208it_IT
dc.description.abstractIn keeping with the ten essays collected in the first part of the volume, this section proposes thirty Best Practices files, selected from the most recent and stimulating ones. These are real models of educational action thanks to which we can offer a first look of some of the many projects based on the relationship between school, university and territory. Models, therefore, in which Public History practices have found, or can find, fertile ground.it_IT
dc.format.extentP. 139-208it_IT
dc.publisherBuone pratiche di Public History per la formazione e il territorio, in La Public History tra scuola, università e territorio. Una introduzione operativa, Firenze: University Press, pp. 139-208it_IT
dc.relation.ispartofPublic History of Education. Teorie, esperienze, strumentiit_IT
dc.rightsCC BY 4.0it_IT
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dc.subjectHistory of educationit_IT
dc.subjectPublic history of educationit_IT
dc.subjectSocial empowermentit_IT
dc.subjectDigital public historyit_IT
dc.subjectTeaching practicesit_IT
dc.titleBuone pratiche di Public History per la formazione e il territorioit_IT
dc.typeBook chapterit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Contributi in volume / Contributions in books

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