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Abstract: This article proposes a comparative study between the ideas and educa-tion of Lázaro Cárdenas and Juan Domingo Perón, whose leaderships are considerate as classical populists in Latin America, in addition to the fact that both have transcended in the political culture of their respec-tive countries as ideology of welfare, social justice, state development and national sovereignty.
Appears in Collections:Cultura Latinoamericana. Vol. 34 Núm. 2 (julio-diciembre 2021)

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López Monsivais Elizondo, I. Delgado López, E. Tedesco, E. Cultura Latinoamericana, 2021.pdfLópez Monsivais Elizondo, I. Delgado López, E. Tedesco, E. Cultura Latinoamericana, 2021152,18 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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