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dc.contributor.authorZagaria, Nicola-
dc.description2018 - 2019it_IT
dc.description.abstractIn the study, we saw that criminal organizations commit crimes for many reasons but the most important of them is to make a profit and get value or money. These crimes are "predicate offenses" for money laundering and cover any crime that generates illegal proceeds. The criminal's ultimate goal is to conceal the illegal origin of these proceeds through a series of money laundering techniques designed to "clean up" the earnings and re-insert them into the real economy. In particular, in this research work, we have studied the phenomenon of recycling from a triple point of view: the legal one, that of the protagonists of the phenomenon, and finally that of the best techniques and/or technologies to be adopted to combat it. At the moment, an articulated national and/or international control system has been created, supported by a legislative base and based on economic and non-economic operators, without however equipping it with adequate support of research, technology, and specialized professionals. The new frontier of recycling is the internet, understood in all its forms and possible applications. .. [edited by Author]it_IT
dc.publisherUniversita degli studi di Salernoit_IT
dc.subjectBig datait_IT
dc.titleRiciclaggio e nuove tecnologie: fenomeno globale tra prevenzione integrata e strumenti repressivi innovativiit_IT
dc.typeDoctoral Thesisit_IT
dc.contributor.coordinatoreAntonelli, Valerioit_IT
dc.description.cicloXXXII cicloit_IT
dc.contributor.tutorAgostino, Rosa Mariait_IT
dc.identifier.DipartimentoScienze Aziendali, Management & Innovation Systemsit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Big Data Management

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