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Title: Alle radici di un personaggio de/genere: Clytemnestre ou le crime di Marguerite Yourcenar e il teatro eschileo
Authors: Amendola, Stefano
Keywords: Clytemnestra;Yourcenar;Aeschylus;Gender;Woman;Greek literature;Reception
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Roma : Carocci
Citation: Amendola, Stefano. "Alle radici di un personaggio de/genere: Clytemnestre ou le crime di Marguerite Yourcenar e il teatro eschileo". «Testi e linguaggi» 16 (2022): 103-116. [Studi monografici. Dalla neue frau/new woman/donna nuova al transgender e queer: trasformazioni dei discorsi sull’identità di genere]
Abstract: The paper investigates the relationship between Yourcenar’s monologue “Clytemnestre ou le crime” and Aeschylus’ tragedy “Agamemnon” in the literary representation of the sexual identity of the mythical queen Clytemnestra. In particular, the purpose is to demonstrate how a gender fluidity of the twentieth-century female character is a re-elaboration carried out by Yourcenar of a complex and hybrid sexual identity already present in the classical hypotext.
ISBN: 978-88-290-1439-2
ISSN: 1974-2886
Appears in Collections:Testi e linguaggi. Volume 16 (2022)

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