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Title: Exhibiting the Past. Public Histories of Education
Authors: Herman, Frederich <University of Luxembourg>
Braster, Sjaak <University of Luxembourg>
Pozo Andres, María Mar del <University of Luxembourg>
Keywords: Europe;General European history;History;Public history;Regional and national history;Topics in history
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: F. Herman, S. Braster, M. del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Exhibiting the Past: Public Histories of Education, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023
Citation: Frederik Herman, Sjaak Braster, Maria del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Exhibiting the Past: Public Histories of Education, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, (Public History in European Perspectives ; 1)
Abstract: Per quanto riguarda le questioni pubbliche, la storia è importante. Con l’interesse mondiale rivolto a questioni storiche legate a genere, religione, razza, nazione e identità, la Public History sta diventando il ramo più forte della storia accademica. Questo volume raccoglie i contributi degli storici dell’educazione sul loro impegno con la Public History, che va dalla musealizzazione e dai modi alternativi di esporre a nuove modalità di narrazione.
With respect to public issues, history matters. With the worldwide interest for historical issues related with gender, religion, race, nation, and identity, public history is becoming the strongest branch of academic history. This volume brings together the contributions from historians of education about their engagement with public history, ranging from musealisation and alternative ways of exhibiting to new ways of storytelling.
ISBN: 9783110719581
ISSN: 2629-4702
Appears in Collections:Saggi e studi monografici / Essays and monographic studies

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