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Title: Elaborating historical thinking on monuments
Authors: Körber, Andreas <Universität Hamburg>
Keywords: Historical;Monuments
Issue Date: 7-Dec-2023
Publisher: A. Körber, ''Elaborating historical thinking on monuments'', Hamburg: DIPF Leibniz Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, 2023
Citation: Andreas Körber, ''Elaborating historical thinking on monuments'', Hamburg: DIPF Leibniz Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, 2023
Abstract: Public history culture recently is characterized by controversial debates on monuments, their replacement or alteration. History education which aims at enabling and empowering stu- dents to partake in such controversial public history culture needs to address these in terms of developing historical consciousness and competencies of historical thinking. For the lat- ter, Stéphane Lévesque recently presented a framework, which this article interprets and evaluates, both elaborating it further for reflecting monuments’ diversity and proposing an alternative to Lévesque’s proposal of levels of the necessary competencies.
Appears in Collections:Saggi e studi monografici / Essays and monographic studies

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