Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/7333
Abstract: From ancient times until today, enhancing consciousness in the public has been one of the most fundamental goals in tragedies. Throughout history, artists have tried to make ways through tragedy to be able to represent their viewpoints concerning art and politics. In the nineteenth century, Richard Wagner, years after the extinction of the Greek tragedy, found out that the path of enhancing self-consciousness in society lies only through tragedy. The creation a new location (Bayreuth) along with a complex of arts (Total artwork – Gesamtkunstwerk), had made a specific situation for the German public in the nineteenth century to be able to have mental and physical interaction. Wagner’s success in these goals in the public is an important matter which will be studied in this research, concerning the socio-political and cultural conditions in nineteenth century Germany.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Sinestesieonline. Anno 11, no. 34 (Gennaio 2022)

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