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Abstract: La Prolusione alla Summer School 2023 traccia un quadro complessivo dell’influenza che manierismi e barocchismi hanno esercitato sulle letterature, sulle arti e sulla musica europea dal XVI al XX secolo e di come l’Impressionismo e l’Espressionismo, attraverso le teorie estetiche e le pratiche artistiche tra Otto e Novecento, abbiano contribuito a identificarli e definirli.
The Prolusion to the 2023 Summer School traces an overall picture of the influence that mannerisms and baroqueisms have exerted on European literature, arts and music from the 16th to the 20th century and of how Impressionism and Expressionism, through aesthetic theories and artistic practices between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, have contributed to identifying and defining them.
Appears in Collections:Sinestesieonline. Anno 13, no. 41 (2024)

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