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Title: “Vogliamo il pane e anche le rose”. L’esperienza del Coordinamento donne FLM, tra emancipazione e pratica di liberazione
Authors: Meta, Chiara
Keywords: education;awareness;trade union feminism;coeducation;work
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: C. Meta, "“Vogliamo il pane e anche le rose”. L’esperienza del Coordinamento donne FLM, tra emancipazione e pratica di liberazione" in A. Ascenzi, G. Bandini, C. Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.894-907
Citation: Chiara Meta, "“Vogliamo il pane e anche le rose”. L’esperienza del Coordinamento donne FLM, tra emancipazione e pratica di liberazione" in Anna Ascenzi, Gianfranco Bandini, Carla Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.894-907
Series/Report no.: Fonti / Sources; 8
Abstract: On April 19, 1973, the national contract of the Metalworkers’ Federation (FLM), which was formed as a unit by bringing together the various trade unions, was signed, allowing a maximum of 150 hours of paid leave, with the purpose of fostering the cultural growth of workers and, for those without, the attainment of a junior high school qualification. The proposal presented here, specifically, aims to analyze a particular experience gained precisely within the 150 hours, namely that of the courses run directly by the women present within the National Women’s Coordination of FLM, which arose in 1976. The work aims to trace the testimonies of the protagonists whose experience will be reconstructed through an archival survey both at the FLM Fund on 150 hours for the right to study at the Cisl central library in Rome and at the Cgil National headquarters in Rome.
ISBN: 978-88-6056-969-1
ISSN: 2723-9314
Appears in Collections:prova

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