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dc.contributor.authorDal Toso, Paola
dc.identifier.citationPaola Dal Toso, "La costituzione del Centro Documentazione Agesci" in Anna Ascenzi, Gianfranco Bandini, Carla Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.730-743it_IT
dc.description.abstractSince the 1980s, the Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts Association (Agesci) has felt the need to create a National Study and Documentation Centre, divided into an Archive, a Library and an Emeroteca. It should be remembered that Agesci, by its very nature, is not particularly concerned with preserving its historical identity and the heritage of experience that has matured since 1916, when scouting began in Italy. The aim of this article is to illustrate the path taken by the Association in order to discover and understand the value of the heritage it has preserved, its importance and potential uses, as well as the difficulties and problems it has encountered. Recognised for its value by the Superintendency of Cultural Heritage of the Lazio Region, it has carried out the scientific sorting of the historical archive and the cataloguing of the library heritage, available on the web and linked to other scout libraries in Italy.it_IT
dc.format.extentP. 730-743it_IT
dc.publisherP. Dal Toso, "La costituzione del Centro Documentazione Agesci " in A. Ascenzi, G. Bandini, C. Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.730-743it_IT
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFonti / Sources; 8it_IT
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 4.0it_IT
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dc.subjectCentro Documentazione Agesciit_IT
dc.titleLa costituzione del Centro Documentazione Agesciit_IT
dc.typeBook chapterit_IT
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