Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/7880
Titolo: Il caffè narrativo. La Public History dell’educazione altoatesina in azione
Autore: Augscholl Blasbichler, Annamarie
Zannini, Sarah
Parole chiave: storytelling café;collective memory;history of education in South Tyrol;public history in South Tyrol
Data: 2024
Editore: A. Augschöll Blasbichler, S. Zannini, "Il caffè narrativo. La Public History dell’educazione altoatesina in azione" in A. Ascenzi, G. Bandini, C. Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.222-234
Citazione: Annamarie Augschöll Blasbichler, Sarah Zannini, "Il caffè narrativo. La Public History dell’educazione altoatesina in azione" in A. Ascenzi, G. Bandini, C. Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.222-234
Numero nella collana: Fonti / Sources; 8
Abstract: The Research and Documentation Center for South Tyrol’s Educational History aims to explore the history of education as a significant narrative in understanding individual and collective identity constructs among the three linguistic groups in South Tyrol. It analytically examines the term “educational history” in a broad and contextually historicized view, focusing on ideas and concepts of education and training, institutions, and actors. The Center’s scientific research activities extend beyond traditional research and subsequent publication practices to include socially relevant areas, such as analyzing different educational experiences within and between linguistic groups and their implicit or explicit, transgenerational transmission through Public History formats. The objective is to organize research as public participation, guiding opportunities for development at both individual and collective levels. In this context, the paper introduces the storytelling café format and presents examples implemented by the center.
URI: https://eum.unimc.it/img/cms/14_Annemarie%20Augschoell%20Blasbichler,%20Sarah%20Zannini.pdf
ISBN: 978-88-6056-969-1
ISSN: 2723-9314
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