Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/7896
Titolo: Variations sur l’oralité: Victoire! de Michel Tremblay
Autore: Brancaglion, Cristina
Parole chiave: Michel Tremblay;Victoire!;Orality;Quebec French;Literary language
Data: 2024
Editore: Roma: Carocci
Citazione: Brancaglion, Cristina "Variations sur l’oralité: Victoire! de Michel Tremblay". «Testi e linguaggi» 18, (2024): 40-54. [Studi monografici La variazione delle lingue romanze tra ricerca linguistica e letteraria].
Abstract: This contribution focuses on a linguistic study of Michel Tremblay’s novel Victoire! (2020), with the aim of highlighting the devices used by this Quebec writer to represent different levels of orality. After briefly recalling the characteristics of Tremblay’s writing and the thematic interest of the linguistic question in this novel, I will structure my analysis according to the typologies of fictional representation of orality defined by Catherine Rouayrenc (2010), namely “oralité normée”, “courante” et “marquee”. After reviewing the characteristics of each level, I will examine the linguistic features used by Tremblay. The conclusion will attempt to show how the author succeeds in recreating an authentic portrait of the linguistic situation of Quebec.
URI: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/7896
ISBN: 978-88-290-2470-4
ISSN: 1974-2886
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