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dcterms.contributor.authorTschacher, Werner <Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Germany>
dcterms.identifier.citationWerner Tschacher, Combining Historical Narrative Forms and the Immersion of Exhibition Visitors. Approaches and Experiences from the Luxembourg “Remix” Project, «International Public History», 1 (2023), pp. 43-54, https://doi.org/10.1515/iph-2023-2002it_IT
dc.description.abstractThe paper describes and analyzes the experiences of the Luxembourg-based research project “Remixing Industrial Pasts in the Digital Age” (2019–2024) and its four individual component projects. Combining different forms of digital historical storytelling can generate proximity and immersion for visitors. The creation of immersion results from a technically sophisticated, authentic-looking, and emotionally appealing presentation of biographies, spaces and historical themes. By means of digitally supported productions, the boundaries between facts and fiction, artistically designed and real spaces, and historical and virtual text and image elements were deliberately blurred to delve more deeply into the historical past of Luxembourg’s industrial region. New perspectives on regional history emerged from the fragmentation of history and the combination of individual narratives, taking the place of traditional master narratives.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 43-54it_IT
dcterms.publisher.alternativeW. Tschacher, Combining Historical Narrative Forms and the Immersion of Exhibition Visitors. Approaches and Experiences from the Luxembourg “Remix” Project, «International Public History», 1 (2023), pp. 43-54
dc.rightsWalter de Gruyterit_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectHistorical storytellingit_IT
dcterms.subjectLife storiesit_IT
dcterms.subjectEsthetic of spaceit_IT
dcterms.titleCombining Historical Narrative Forms and the Immersion of Exhibition Visitors. Approaches and Experiences from the Luxembourg “Remix” Projectit_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
dc.relation.ispartofjournalInternational Public Historyit_IT
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