Elea: Recent submissions
Items 101-120 di 6796
Stories from a Dusty Basement: A Conversation with Richard Conyngham on All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa (1910–1948) – A Graphic History
(A. Etges, Stories from a Dusty Basement: A Conversation with Richard Conyngham on All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa (1910–1948) – A Graphic History, «International Public History», 1 (2023), pp. 55-71, 2023)While the story of apartheid in South Africa is quite well known, the pre-apartheid “Union years” have been much less researched. All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa (1910–1948) – A Graphic History brings ... -
Zavadski, Andrei, Dubina, Vera: Vse v proshlom: teoriya i praktika publichnoi istorii [All Things Past: Theory and Practice of Public History]
(K. Makhotina, rec. a Zavadski, Andrei, Dubina, Vera: Vse v proshlom: teoriya i praktika publichnoi istorii [All Things Past: Theory and Practice of Public History], «International Public History», 1 (2023), pp. 73-74, 2023) -
Memoryscapes: The Evolution of Sri Lanka’s Aragala Bhoomiya as a People’s Space of Protest
(2023)The ‘aragalaya’ or the ‘people’s struggle’ was perhaps one of the most important and successful movements of Sri Lanka’s long history of democracy. In 2015, democracy prevailed, unexpectedly and against all odds, when Sri ... -
Presenza e rappresentazione del divino tra Euripide e D’Annunzio: Afrodite e Artemide nel dramma di ‘Fedra’
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2022) -
Where is the Seeker Who Searches for Another? Decolonial Approaches to Digital Public History
(C.T. Maina, Where is the Seeker Who Searches for Another? Decolonial Approaches to Digital Public History «Public History Review», 1 (2024), pp. 35-44, 2024)This article delves into the role of public history within the context of suppressed and erased colonial pasts, underscoring the importance of individuals in actively shaping, uncovering, documenting and disseminating ... -
Considerazioni sulla ‘Fedra’ di d’Annunzio e quella di Seneca
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2022) -
Partnerships with Public Institutions: Reflecting on Applied History and Social Justice Principles
(J. Wynant, Partnerships with Public Institutions: Reflecting on Applied History and Social Justice Principles, «International Public History», 2 (2023), pp. 91-101, 2023)This article emphasizes that social justice – as both a process and a goal – should be put forward as guiding principle for applied historians who want to engage in partnerships with public institutions. While ethical ... -
Public History and Wellbeing: A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Digital and In-Person Engagement on Visitors’ Subjective Wellbeing at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House, UK
(A. Luck, F. Sayer, Public History and Wellbeing: A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Digital and In-Person Engagement on Visitors’ Subjective Wellbeing at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House, UK, «International Public History», 2 (2023), pp. 103-115, 2023)Over the last two decades, there has been an emergence of research pertaining to the impact of in-person engagement with historical sites on visitor wellbeing. Yet, despite this increasingly prolific research into the ... -
Can It Be a Gamechanger? Interrogating the Prospects of Decolonization Through Public History in Japan
(E. Tozawa, Can It Be a Gamechanger? Interrogating the Prospects of Decolonization Through Public History in Japan, «Public History Review», 1 (2024), pp. 45-52, 2024)As a historical settler and colonizer in Asia, yet a state not colonized by European countries, Japan and its colonial history seem to have been left out from the debates on public history as a decolonizing process, due ... -
Public History in Digital Spaces: Public Interpretations of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Implications for History Teaching
(E. S. Sosu, G. Boadu, E. B. Boateng, C. Appiah-Thompson, Public History in Digital Spaces: Public Interpretations of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Implications for History Teaching, «International Public History», 2 (2023), pp. 117-127, 2023)The Transatlantic Slave Trade was one of the cruelest events in human history, with its effects spanning several centuries. Slave monuments are visible representations of the memory of the slave trade and avenues for public ... -
Doing History at the Edge of the Map: The “Digital Thrace” Research Project
(A. Palikidis, Doing History at the Edge of the Map: The “Digital Thrace” Research Project, «Public History Review», 1 (2024), pp. 53-65, 2024)Digital Thrace: Mapping the History and Culture to Enhance the Tourist Economy” is a three-year (2021–2023) research project conducted by the Democritus University of Thrace. “Thrace,” a geographical rather than a regional ... -
A Reflection on and a Conversation about History, Memory, and Education at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial
(A. Etges, A Reflection on and a Conversation about History, Memory, and Education at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial, «International Public History», 2 (2023), pp. 129-142, 2023)Dachau concentration camp was set up in March 1933. During the twelve years of its existence, more than 200,000 prisoners from over 40 nations were imprisoned here and in its sub-camps. At least 41,500 people died there ... -
Sarah Abel: Permanent Markers
(J. de Groot, rec. a Sarah Abel: Permanent Markers, «International Public History», 2 (2023), pp. 143-144, 2023)Genetic ancestry testing has become increasingly familiar in the past decade. The expansion from small companies investigating particular communities to huge multinational biotech organizations, such as 23andme and Ancestry, ... -
Joanna Wojdon, Dorota Wiśniewska: Public in Public History
(P. Knevel, rec. a, Joanna Wojdon, Dorota Wiśniewska: Public in Public History, «International Public History», 2 (2023), pp. 145-146, 2023)What do public historians mean by putting the word ‘public’ in front of ‘history’? When, in 1978, Robert Kelley formulated his well-known definition of modern public history, this seemed rather unproblematic. Public just ... -
Design, mechanical modelling and testing of innovative seismic isolation devices
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-07-11)This work takes a pioneering approach to a bio-inspired design of seismic isolation systems. There is a growing demand for tunable seismic isolation devices to be widely used in developing countries at affordable cost. ... -
La trasparenza nel management pubblico. Organismo Indipendente di Valutazione e Organismo di Vigilanza: continuità e discontinuità degli strumenti di controllo attraverso l’analisi dei dati.
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-08-19)Il presente lavoro di ricerca esamina gli strumenti di controllo sull’attività espletata dalle pubbliche amministrazioni e dalle società private a controllo pubblico, attraverso il confronto tra Organismo Indipendente ... -
Design and synthesis of molecules with anti-inflammatory and/or anti-cancer activit
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022)Nell'ultimo decennio, il legame tra infiammazione e cancro è risultato sempre più evidente; di conseguenza, l'identificazione di nuove molecole in grado di interferire con i targets biologici chiave coinvolti in queste ... -
Applications of Artificial Neural Network models to Energetic and Propulsion Systems
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-04-05)Il presente lavoro di ricerca è incentrato sull'applicazione di modelli alle reti neurali artificiali (ANN) per il calcolo delle prestazioni, dei consumi , dell'efficienza e delle emissioni, nel caso di due diversi sistemi ... -
Analisi metrica delle sezioni liriche dell’Alcesti di Euripide
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2018)L’elaborato fornisce un’analisi dei cantica dell’Alcesti di Euripide sulla base della colometria antica, ricostruita tramite la collazione dei manoscritti Vat. gr. 909 (V),Par.gr.2713(B), Laur. plut. 31,10 (O), Laur. plut. ... -
Società, Poteri e dialettica di confine nella Langobardia meridionale (secolo X)
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017)La presente tesi ha per oggetto le vicende politiche delle due consorterie principesche di Benevento-Capua e di Salerno nel periodo compreso tra l’887, data dell’ascesa al comitato capuano di Atenolfo I, e il 981, anno ...