• Tupuna Wahine, Saina, Tupuna Vaine, Matua Tupuna Fifine, Mapiạg Hạni. Grandmothers in the Archives 

      Greensill, Hineitimoana; Taito, Mere; Pasisi, Jessica; Lujan Bennett, Jesi; Dean, Marylise; Monise, Maluseu (H. Greensill, M. Taito, J. Pasisi, J. L. Bennett, M. Dean, M. Monise, Tupuna Wahine, Saina, Tupuna Vaine, Matua Tupuna Fifine, Mapiag Hani: Grandmothers in the Archives. Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 54–66, 2022)
      From various parts of Te Moana Nui a Kiwa, we have come together as Indigenous scholars to weave stories of our grandmothers in the archives. From our own sea, land and skyscapes to the diasporic realities of generations ...