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dcterms.contributor.authorScafuro, Alessandra
dc.description2011 - 2012en_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis proposes several protocols for achieving secure com- putation under concurrent and physical attacks. Secure computation allows many parties to compute a joint function of their inputs, while keeping the privacy of their input preserved. It is required that the pri- vacy one party's input is preserved even if other parties participating in the protocol collude or deviate from the protocol. In this thesis we focus on concurrent and physical attacks, where adversarial parties try to break the privacy of honest parties by ex- ploiting the network connection or physical weaknesses of the honest parties' machine. In the rst part of the thesis we discuss how to construct proto- cols that are Universally Composable (UC for short) based on physical setup assumptions. We explore the use of Physically Uncloneable Func- tions (PUFs) as setup assumption for achieving UC-secure computa- tions. PUF are physical noisy source of randomness. The use of PUFs in the UC-framework has been proposed already in [14]. However, this work assumes that all PUFs in the system are trusted. This means that, each party has to trust the PUFs generated by the other parties. In this thesis we focus on reducing the trust involved in the use of such PUFs and we introduce the Malicious PUFs model in which only PUFs generated by honest parties are assumed to be trusted. Thus the secu- rity of each party relies on its own PUF only and holds regardless of the goodness of the PUFs generated/used by the adversary. We are able to show that, under this more realistic assumption, one can achieve UC- secure computation, under computational assumptions. Moreover, we show how to achieve unconditional UC-secure commitments with (ma- licious) PUFs and with stateless tamper-proof hardware tokens. We discuss our contribution on this matter in Part I. These results are contained in papers [80] and [28]. In the second part of the thesis we focus on the concurrent setting, and we investigate on protocols achieving round optimality and black- box access to a cryptographic primitive. We study two fundamental functionalities: commitment scheme and zero knowledge, and we focus on some of the round-optimal constructions and lower bounds con- cerning both functionalities. We nd that such constructions present subtle issues. Hence, we provide new protocols that actually achieve the security guarantee promised by previous results. Concerning physical attacks, we consider adversaries able to re- set the machine of the honest party. In a reset attack a machine is forced to run a protocol several times using the same randomness. In this thesis we provide the rst construction of a witness indistinguish- able argument system that is simultaneous resettable and argument of knowledge. We discuss about this contribution in Part III, which is the content of the paper. [edited by author]en_US
dcterms.publisher.alternativeUniversita degli studi di Salernoen_US
dcterms.subjectSecure computationen_US
dcterms.subjectUniversal Composabilityen_US
dcterms.subjectPUF Physically imcloneable functionen_US
dcterms.titleSecure computation under network and physical attacksen_US
dcterms.typeDoctoral Thesisen_US
dc.subject.miurINF/01 INFORMATICAen_US
dc.contributor.coordinatorePersiano, Giuseppeen_US
dc.description.cicloXI n.s.en_US
dc.contributor.tutorVisconti, Ivanen_US
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