Dipartimenti e Centri di ricerca UniSA. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 2079
Sottrazione internazionale dei minori e diritto UE: gli effetti positivi dell’adesione dell’UE alla Convenzione di Istanbul e della futura direttiva sulla lotta alla violenza domestica
(2023)After briefly outlining the growth of the phenomenon of international child abduction committed by mothers who are victims of violence, this contribution will highlight the gaps that currently exist in the field of ... -
Limits to intra-EU free movement rights and the Common European Asylum System: remarks on the CJEU case law and the activation of temporary protection directive
(2023)Under the current architecture established by the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection cannot move freely within the EU territory. Their legal status as ... -
Twenty Years of EU Agreements on Remote Work from 2002 to 2022. What next?
(2023)Digitalisation is changing our lives and the way we work too. This is not necessarily negative because there is a lot of potential in the binomial “work and technology”, starting from the creation of new sectors of work ... -
La giurisprudenza della Corte EDU sulle misure di privazione della capacità giuridica come ingerenza nei diritti tutelati dalla CEDU
(2023)With the recent ruling Calvi and C.G. v. Italy, the ECtHR has added an important building block to its case law on measures depriving individuals with physical and mental disabilities of their legal capacity. The ... -
I principi della politica di asilo e d’immigrazione dell’Unione e il rischio di ‘Fortezza Europa’
(2023)After recalling the principles underlying the European policy on asylum and immigration, particular attention is devoted to non-refoulement and solidarity. By now, non-refoulement is a peremptory norm of general international ... -
Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence from the Istanbul Convention to the EU Framework: The Proposal for an EU Directive
(2023)The main focus of this paper is on the path that is leading the EU legislator to combat violence against women and domestic violence using different approaches. Starting with the recent development that led the EU to ... -
Competenze concorrenti dell’UE e degli Stati membri in materia di asilo nella giurisprudenza più recente della Corte di giustizia relativa al trattamento di cittadini irregolari di paesi terzi
(2023)The paper analyses the development that the Court of Justice’ case law marked compared to the indifference to humanitarian needs expressed in the A.S. and Jafari judgments of 2017. Making reference to the two changes ... -
La genitorialità tra biodiritto e regulatory competition nello spazio giuridico europeo
(2023)The legitimation of biotechnology in the matter of filiation has not innovated the binary system of attribution of parenthood, which cannot be circumvented by regulatory competition between legal systems not only in ... -
La partecipazione dei cittadini alla riforma dell’Unione europea tra nuovi modelli partecipativi e vecchi problemi
(2023)The article addresses the issue of citizen participation in EU politics in the light of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFE). It outlines the lights and shadows of a unique transnational consultation combining ... -
Le vittime di mutilazioni genitali femminili tra riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato e (discutibile) giurisprudenza europea sui rimpatri
(2023)Female genital mutilation constitutes a serious violation of individual rights due to the persisting physical and psychological consequences that it entails. In the last few decades, the phenomenon has come to prominence ... -
Introduzione [a Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali e ordinamento italiano: nuovi sviluppi sostanziali e procedurali]
(2023)The paper outlines the substantial and procedural developments that have occurred in recent years in the context of the European system for the protection of Human Rights, evoking in particular the traumatic event for ... -
Il ruolo dell’Avvocatura dello Stato nella difesa dello Stato italiano nei giudizi davanti alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo
(2023)The paper is the reworking of a speech given at the Conference entitled “European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Italian legal system: New substantive and procedural developments” held at the ... -
La giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo traccia nuove coordinate in tema di diritto all’informazione, tra oblio e whistleblowing
(2023)After providing the general framework of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on freedom of expression, protected by Article 10 ECHR, the article focuses on the right to information. On the basis of an exam ... -
Il nuovo istituto della c.d. revisione europea
(2023)The law no. 134/2021 provides for the introduction of a new, extraordinary appeal for the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The paper addresses the regulation of the new extraordinary remedy ... -
Il ruolo dell’avvocato nei più recenti assetti della tutela “multilivello” dei diritti umani
(2023)This contribution proposes a reflection on the central role played by the lawyer in today’s dynamics of trial and the protection of rights. While there has been a proliferation of conventions on the protection of human ... -
Free Movement of Lawyers between the European Union and the United Kingdom
(2023)Activities of legal professionals in the European Union are regulated by Directive 77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977 and Directive 98/5/EC of 16 February 1998, implementing Articles 26, 49 and 56 of the Treaty on the Functioning ... -
Digitalizzazione della cooperazione giudiziaria internazionale in materia penale e tutela dei dati personali nel diritto dell’UE: alla ricerca di una compatibilità (im)possibile
(2023)On 12 May 2022, the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention was opened for signature by States. It is a treaty agreement which aims to enhance cooperation between countries in the field of cross-border ... -
I contraddittori orientamenti delle Corti sul diritto all'oblio nell’ambito dello spazio europeo dei “nuovi” diritti umani
(2023)The right to be forgotten is essentially one of the many aspects of the right to privacy and protection of personal data. We know that the importance of this right arose precisely with the birth and development of the ... -
Multilingualism as linguistic chimerism. Conceptualizing language contact and English as a global contact language in a hybrid-oriented perspective
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)In a globalized world where cultural boundaries have become increasingly blurred, multilingual practices have changed the understanding of language contact and contact-induced influence in global encounters. In the era ...