Dipartimenti e Centri di ricerca UniSA. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 2079
(2021-08-29) -
As mulheres nos prontuários do sanatório pinel de pirituba
(2021)The hospitalization of patients to the ‘Sanatório Pinel’ was followed by exams, in addition to a questionnaire answered by a family member. By reading the medical records, we noticed that the ... -
Escamoteamentos socioculturais e sociolinguísticos: políticas colonizantes e efeitos híbridos
(2021)The proposal that I formulate in this research article is a reflection about methods adopted in the same colonizing logic both in Brazil and in Macau. Throughout the text, I bring social ... -
El faraute de Hernán Cortés. Un Go-between en la conquista de México.
(2021)In this research article study is analyzed, with a qualitative methodology, a key concept for the understanding of the conquest of Mexico, the «Go-Between». It is a perspective to the role Marina, la ... -
El antropocosmicismo como soporte ontológico de la identidad cultural aymara.
(2021)The article discusses the fundamentals of aymara cultural identity based on the relationship of man/cosmos dialectical interdetermination (anthro-pocosmicism) that informs ethos and articulates the world view of ... -
Anarquismo contemporáneo en América Latina. Ética y práctica ecologista, antipatriarcal y anticolonial
(2021)The purpose of this research article is to analyze reflexively and critically three outstanding texts on anarchism that were systematized in Latin America, in the first decade of the 21st century. Through ... -
La censura a la literatura a la luz de la teoría de Thorstein Veblen: aproximación al caso colombiano
(2021)In this investigation article, according to the Thorstein Veblen ́s ap-proach, the censorship of literature is analyzed as a phenomenon that can be considered an institution because it involves aspects such as ... -
El desarrollo endógeno en el municipio de San Sebastián de Buenavista Magdalena: una alternativa ante los efectos del Covid–19
(2021)This article its based on a descriptive investigation of the main social variables (multidimensional pover-ty, education, health, dwelling, access to basic services), economics, environmental and infrastructure, ... -
Reflexiones socio-jurídicas sobre los Derechos de los Consumidores en Colombia, bajo el enfoque del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
(2021)This article analyzes the issue of consumer rights, emphasizing 3 essential aspects. In the first place, the nature of the consumer relationship is stud-ied with emphasis on the weakness and vulnerability of the consumer ... -
Ortega y la “misión” de la Universidad
(2021)This research article analyzes Ortega’s political reflection, which is ex-pressed not only in essays and books, but also in an intense and inces-sant journalistic activity, which demonstrates with facts that original ... -
La violencia de género contra las mujeres: un fenómeno glo-bal en tiempos de pandemia. Los casos de Italia y España
(2021)Gender-based violence against women (GBVAW) is a deep-rooted social phenomenon that is at its critical moment since ever, and must be ad-dressed globally. This article focuses on the issue of gender-based ... -
In tema di immunità dello Stato dalla giurisdizione: il complesso bilanciamento tra tutela dei diritti della persona e prerogative della Santa Sede
(2022)The possibility for the individual to bring a claim before a judge finds in the rule on sovereign immunity of States a limit established by customary law, that operates even when the person is a victim of serious human ... -
The European Union External Action, Administrative Function and Human Rights Protection under the Lens of the EU Ombudsman and a Recent Strategic Initiative
(2022)This paper examines the increasingly active role of the European Ombudsman in ascertaining by what procedures and instruments the European Union contributes to the protection of human rights in its external action. After ... -
Libertà di espressione e tutela della dignità delle giornaliste: il contrasto all’online sexist hate speech nello spazio digitale europeo
(2022)The impact of technological innovation on freedom of expression – also due to the massive and rapid spread of social media – leads to a renewed reflection on the possible limits and balances with other rights to which ... -
La normalizzazione della sorveglianza di massa nella prassi giurisprudenziale delle Corti di Strasburgo e Lussemburgo: verso il cambio di paradigma del rapporto privacy v. security
(2022)This essay deals with the analysis of the legality of the mass surveillance of personal data under international and European law in the light of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice ... -
Il diritto del minore alla libertà di religione: la recente giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo e il rilievo della Convenzione sui diritti dal fanciullo
(2022)The purpose of this article is to frame the child’s right to religious freedom in a multi-level perspective (ECHR and Convention on the Rights of the Child). The first part of the article is concerned with establishing ...