Dipartimenti e Centri di ricerca UniSA. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: Recent submissions
Items 381-400 di 2079
Sobre cultura y cultura. Editorial
(2022) -
Préstamos léxicos del italiano en el diccionario de la lengua de la Argentina (2019)
(2022)This study investigates the presence of lexical terms of Italian origin in the Diccionario de la Lengua de la Argentina (DiLA), a differential lexicographical work that exclusively re-cords the words and meanings of the ... -
La sémica heteroglósica de la fidelidad traductora: explorando el debate del siglo XIX
(2022)The multidimensional aspect of translation fidelity has been the unconditional protago-nist of the debate about translation theory and its practice, since ancient times. Indeed, historically and with some regularity the ... -
Neología de sentido y de forma en el Náhuatl de iglesia. Notas sobre la Trinidad en difrasismos
(2022)This article proposes a lexical-semantic analysis of the doctrinal Nahuatl terminology in Bernardino de Sahagún’s Colloquios. The aim is to show that such a functional variety of Nahuatl should be considered as a specialised ... -
A variação diamésica e a comunicação política institucional. A inte-ração “político-jornalista” no Brasil de Bolsonaro entre velhas e novas formas de diálogo
(2022)This contribution proposes an analysis of the political language of Jair Bolsonaro, the current Brazialian president. Starting from the diamesic dichotomy between written-written and spoken-spoken (Nencioni, 1976) ... -
Camouflaged empowerment: “frustrating/gratifying” narratives of popular women in Pedro Lemebel’s radio space
(2022)Durante los últimos años, la popularidad del escritor chileno Pedro Lemebel ha aumentado, con la aparición de un vasto número de documentales, películas, artefactos de arte callejero y canciones, que dan cuenta del ... -
La Novela del desencanto como categoría de la novela histórica latinoamericana: el caso de Años de fuga de Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza
(2022)The article unravels, in the horizon of the rich production of the Colombian writer Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, the keys to a social and cultural experience that gives content to what Gabriel García Márquez ... -
Pedro Juan Gutiérrez. No lo llamemos realismo sucio
(2022)Analyzing the work of the Cuban author Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, in most publications, it is customary to compare him with a kind of Caribbean Bukowski. As well as his poetics and style, they are stylistically ... -
La condición humana en el pensamiento de Pablo Guadarrama González
(2022)Pablo Guadarrama is one of the most prolific Latin-American thinkers from the last quarter of the 20th century to the present day. His theoretical and practical contribution to the formation of the new generations ... -
From social inequality to social equity: towards welfare policies for social and environmental justice in Latin America
(2022)The very concept of social inequality is accompanied by the concept of social welfare, the concepts of need and equity or social justice. People’s inequality continues to be not only a consequence determined by the ... -
El lenguaje jurídico en la documentación judicial del siglo XVIII
(2022)This research article is the result of studies carried out with judicial documentation of the eighteenth century contained in the General Archive of the Argentine Nation. Our aim is to describe the characteristics of the ... -
‘Heretics’ and protestant ‘Heresies’ in 16th Century Spanish Sicily
(2022)The Spanish viceroyalty of Sicily, like the main part of the Old Continent, was invested by the development of the Protestant Reformation ideas from the 30’s of the XVI century. They deeply seeped through the Sicilian ... -
O livro de Alda de Abel Botelho: degenerescência e patolo-gia social no Portugal finissecular
(2022)The article proposes an analysis of the novel O livro de Alda (1895) by the Portuguese writer Abel Botelho based on the concept of degeneration as theorised by Bénédict-Augustin Morel. From this perspective, the letters ... -
A Gramatiquinha de Mário de Andrade e a questão da língua no Modernismo Brasileiro
(2022)The present work focuses on the position of Mário de Andrade in relation to the specificity of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) through the analysis of the annotations in A Gramatiquinha da fala brasileira, ... -
Misure critiche. Nuova Serie. A. 21, n. 1-2 (2022)
(Sarno : Buonaiuto, 2023) -
(2022) -
El olvido que seremos, una historia de amor
(2022)The protagonist of the following article is not a historical person, an artist or the hero of a novel. The protagonist of this article is a work. A work that belongs to the genre of testimonial literature and that ...