Dipartimenti e Centri di ricerca UniSA. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: Recent submissions
Items 401-420 di 2079
Relectura del sistema político chileno después del estallido social de 2019
(2022)The text provides elements to support three theses about the political system in Chile, namely, in the first place there was no return to a democratic system after Pinochet left the government in 1990 because that ... -
La emigración valdense en el Río de la Plata. Entre marginalidad historiográfica y realidad (siglo XIX)
(2022)The contribution develops within the complex problem of Waldensian emigration during the nineteenth century. Keeping in mind the historiographical marginality that characterizes the emigration phenomenon ... -
Procesos de legitimación de gobiernos con ideologías opuestas comparados desde una perspectiva del populismo: los casos de Chávez (Venezuela 1999-2013) y Uribe (Colombia 2002-2010)
(2022)Based on the study of the dynamics and manifestations of the legitima-tion processes of the governments of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela (1999-2013) and Álvaro Uribe in Colombia (2002-2010), the article shows the way ... -
Las instituciones democráticas a prueba de populismo: Una reflexión sobre las protestas chilenas
(2022)The social conflicts in Latin America and in the rest of the world remind us of the extent to which legal and institutional forms sacrifice interests and forms of life, producing painful inequalities and conflicts, and ... -
Construcción del imaginario y cultura migratoria entre los bolivianos en Argentina
(2022)Among all migrations in Latin America, those from Bolivia to Argentina represent a considerable and persistent social phenomenon for both countries. Bolivians’ predilection for Argentina reveals a ... -
El realismo socialista en el debate cultural cubano de la década de 1970
(2022)The Cuban revolution, in its process of symbolic formation, is articulated in a syn-thesis of the codes from the international socialist movement, concentrated in the USSR, with the elements of the national culture. The ... -
Hegel, Mariátegui y la libertad en el mundo andino
(2022)This research relates Hegel and Mariátegui. The first, a universal thinker of current relevance, has a vision of history and cultures based on a special conception of freedom, which marks the development of the spirit. But ... -
Difesa comune europea, “Strategic Compass” e valore (costituzionale) della pace
(2023)In an increasingly fragmented and disunited geopolitical context, we are witnessing an incessant, strong change in the global space and the emergence of new threats, traditional or hybrid, which contribute to enriching ... -
A Legal Analysis of the Contributing Factors to Trafficking in Women: Points of Strength and Weakness of the Recent Developments in Europe
(2023)The purpose of this contribution is first to build the legal connections between anti-trafficking law, gender and international refugee law. The paper will then move to “contributing factors” to trafficking with the ... -
La riservatezza dei dati biometrici nello Spazio europeo dei diritti fondamentali: sui limiti all’utilizzo delle tecnologie di riconoscimento facciale
(2023)Facial recognition technology is a biometric-based technology that processes sensitive personal data, namely biometric data, and thus constitutes a limitation of the right to privacy. Moreover, with reference to its most ... -
Sorority, Equality and European Private International Law
(2023)Gender perspective in Private International Law can be claimed through the so-called “sorority”: solidarity between women against sexual discrimination. Private International Law can become an ethical tool to fight for ... -
Relocation: Expression of Solidarity or State-Centric Cherry-Picking Process?
(2023)This article deals with the relocation of international protection-seekers between EU Member States, an instrument originally intended as an expression of solidarity and protection of the most vulnerable claimants. It ... -
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