Testi e linguaggi. Vol.8 (2014): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
(Roma : Carocci, 2014) -
Traduire au xxie siècle
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)In the field of translation, everything has changed since the second half of the 20th century. By now, there is no translation without translation’s poetics. In the 21st, we need to transform the act of translating. Translating ... -
La traduzione: principi di leggibilità, comprensibilità, riscrittura. Tra teoria e prassi
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)Difficulties in translating often stem from the conflict involved in the attempt to render appropriately the Author’s words into the target language. There is often a feeling of frustration for the result which frequently ... -
Dalla traduzione alla mediazione linguistica. I nuovi paradigmi linguistici e comunicativi applicabili alla traduzione aziendale
(2014)The present paper aims to investigate the real and potential impact of translation and linguistic mediation on global corporate communications. The analysis shows that translation represent an important driver for global ... -
Le tecnologie per la traduzione nell’era del cloud computing: stato dell’arte e prospettive future
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)This paper aims to outline the current trends that are contributing to a rapid development of translation technologies by promoting their wide dissemination among translation professionals and internauts, i.e. cloud ... -
Tradurre per il web: paradigmi, metodologie e tendenze applicabili ai siti web aziendali
(2014)This paper proposes an analysis of the main methodologies, techniques and trends which have recently gained acceptance in the business translation field. In particular the phenomenon of company web sites localization is ... -
Un esempio di didattica in rete della traduzione assistita
(2014)The paper reports on the author’s experience as a teacher of Computer-Aided Translation in a distance post-graduate translation course. After analyzing the features of Computer-Aided Translation, the author draws a ... -
L’industrie langagière dans l’espace francophone du Québec: réflexion sur la traduction-localisation des noms de marques
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)As a consequence of the phenomenon of globalization, localization involves commercial messages, in order to adapt computing and iconic level to a linguistic and cultural translation. In this work we propose to reflect ... -
Persuasion et purification: la traduction intersémiotique dans l’affaire d’Outreau
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)This paper aims to give importance to the inter-semiotic translation of the autobiographical book by Alain Marécaux, Chronique de mon erreur judiciaire (2005). This book was adapted into film language only a few years ... -
Traduire les discours de la Commission européenne sur l’emploi et la formation professionnelle. Tendances normalisatrices et marges de variation
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)The aim of this article is to study the translation practice of the European Commission’s publications dealing with the employment and the professional development. Particular attention will be given to the dual orientation ... -
Traduire pour le textile: enjeux et perspectives
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)Textile is a field that has evolved and changed day by day as well in fabrics and materials or also in working processes. It presents names and terms that have inside themselves the memory of man, his taste of appearance, ... -
L’interpretazione dialogica nella trattativa d’affari: lo studio di un caso
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)The case study presented in our paper explores interpreter-mediated interaction in business settings, with a focus on the competences and the role of a non-professional dialogue interpreter. After defining the main ... -
Traduction et transmission des savoirs dans les ressources de vulgarisation scientifique
(2014)Designed as a discursive practice whose origins date back to the seventeenth century, the popularization of science today is becoming more and more the preferred strategy for the transmission of knowledge and learning ... -
Cross-cultural Adaptation as a Form of Translation: Trans-lating Food in the uk Italian Community
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)This article provides a sociolinguistic qualitative analysis combined with translation aiming at bridging different fields of investigation which may be useful in detecting linguistic forms of cross-cultural adaptation and ... -
Tradurre senza tradire: il mediatore linguistico e interculturale nelle piccole e medie imprese
(2014)The reflection arisen from the need for an educational concreteness and for a research on how to make the tools at our disposal more usable for our students as future workers, has stimulated further considerations leading ... -
L'intraducibilità della terminologia della ristorazione
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)Beverage terminology, i.e. the set of specific terms used in this sector, belongs to a particular category known as “micro sector” or “special language” as it is made up of a specific, specialized words, used almost exclusively ... -
Traduire un essai sur la photographie. Approche contrastive des difficultés lexicales
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)Based on the analysis of the translation into Italian of an essay of the French historian of photography Clément Chéroux, Fautographie. Petite histoire de l’erreur photographique, the aim of this article is to insist on ... -
La traducción de guías para migrantes: atravesando territorios y culturas
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)This paper aims to highlight potentially discriminatory attitudes in discourse and translation practices about migrants. The socio-cognitive aspects of discourses produced and translated within services for migrants will ... -
Marlene NourbeSe Philip’s Zong!: There Is No Telling This Story, It Must Be Translated
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)Inspired by the text of the legal decision Gregson vs Gilbert, known as “the Zong case”, Marlene NourbeSe Philip develops in Zong! a chain of poems which tell the murder of 150 African slaves in order to collect insurance ... -
Censoring Swearwords in the Translation of Ken Loach’s Films
(Roma : Carocci, 2014)Language variation in its diamesic and diatopic dimensions represents a multi-faceted field of research in audio-visual translation, frequently generating issues of language censorship and sanitization when a film undergoes ...