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dcterms.contributor.authorPerilli, Fabio
dcterms.identifier.citationPerilli, Fabio, “Aspects traductifs du texte de théâtre: le vaudeville d’Eugène Labiche.” «Testi e linguaggi» 8(2014): 273-284. [Studi monografici. Traduzione per le aziende, il territorio, l’editoria: teoria, prassi, didattica, a cura di Sergio Lubello, Rosario Pellegrino e Valeria Anna Vaccaro]it_IT
dc.description.abstractWhen asked about the main difference between the translation of a novel, a poem and a play, Antoine Vitez used to reply: “There is a huge difference […] But I do not think from a theorical point of view. It is more a difference of use. The nature of the translation is always the same for me”. The play is by its nature very different from other genres, because it has to be transferred onto the scene and to produce specific effects on the audience. As a logical consequence, translation has to consider the dramatic writing context or the respect of linguistic registers, rhythm, tone, puns and atmosphere without neglecting the adaptation to the target culture. Through the analysis of some plays by Eugène Labiche, this study aims to highlight main translation aspects related to boulevard comedy, which under a light and frivolous appearance hides a very elaborate dramatic architecture and linguistic structure.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 273-284it_IT
dcterms.publisher.alternativeRoma : Carocciit_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.titleAspects traductifs du texte de théâtre: le vaudeville d’Eugène Labicheit_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
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