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dc.contributor.authorDe Giuseppe, Tonia
dc.description2016 - 2017it_IT
dc.description.abstractThe following research project stems from a reflection on the disrupted situation of knowledge society, characterized by the ‘liquid’ state of complex contexts. The first part deals with the problem of socio-economic macro-structuring produced by the social evolution of digitalized crossmedia and its structural and supra-structural trans-formative incidences, on the awareness processes of personal and socio-community identity. In the second part of the thesis the typology of experimental descriptive-transformative research is outlined. This focusses on the educational and training needs of inclusive teaching methodologies and on the value of training, understood as a "phenomenology of existential evolution in the distinction between the relations among formal, non-formal and informal education". The intent is to evaluate the incidence of a direct and indirect didactic action of cooperative interdependence in these contexts that is applied to face, with gradual stages of complexity, the emerging problems. Moreover, the aim is to enhance empowerment and positive reciprocity. This will be achieved through a proactive inclusive flipped inclusion approach, starting from the classroom. The research is based on two types of research contexts: general and situational. The aim is to provide a description and a critical reflection on the individual and social transformations generated by an overturned and non-linear didactic action. Methodologically, a didactic transposition of the learning system is carried out. This is structured in learning society, learning organization and lifelong learning, and by computational approaches, semantically interpretative, which envisage a procedure of systemic levels of complexity. In the third part of the thesis the incidence of experimented trans-formative didactic action is illustrated. This takes place through real and virtual places. A multi-method research was adopted, integrating scientific-methodological approaches, in order to examine similar aspects, through multi-prospective observational vision and mission of the complex teaching-learning phenomenon, while respecting a differential epistemic perspective, with the aim of formulating an analysis of the phenomena that are object of the research. The complexity of the factors involved in cooperative activities has given rise to the need to identify, at group level (micro, meso and macro), a constant individual control both during the phases of the work (monitoring) and during its conclusion (processing), with structured checklists, according to a standard evaluation rubric divided by role and by objective and by phases. In addition, various questionnaires were used at the beginning and the end of the experience, posttests, and the standardized test - Toronto Empathy questionnaire. The research data collected and analyzed corroborate the importance of the teaching impact and the design of an integrated educational system of empowerment for the socio-contextual transformative promotion, in an ecological-inclusive perspective, through paths of identity awareness, sharing of values and emotional-assertive connection. In addition, what emerges is the importance of an educational action that uses formal, informal and non-formal contexts through technologies in order to encourage the development of prosocial relational dynamics. The probabilistic value of the conclusions which characterize educational research, while taking into account the impossibility of reaching the definition of causal inferences, with the exposure of the evaluation of the result to the risks of imprecision and indeterminacy, both for the innumerable intervening variables, and because of the impossibility of a rigorous control of unpredictable dynamic phenomenal events, nevertheless, permitted to arrive at an evaluation of the significance of the research results. However, in light of the variables that occurred during the experimentation, the results of the research did not allow a generalization to the population of reference and the interest/necessity to continue the research with studies on larger samples, applicable to diverse socio-psycho educational fields is required. In the new pilot study, we intend to analyze the evolutionary process of the training systems of the regional territory of Campania, connected to the introduction of digital media in schools, which pursue the socio-psycho-educational missions for the promotion of profiles and inclusive contexts of undergraduate courses followed at the University of Salerno. In this case, the focus will be directed on the role and organization of media education and the media educator, in a bio-psychosocial perspective. [edited by author]it_IT
dc.publisherUniversita degli studi di Salernoit_IT
dc.titleLa didattica capovolta come modello semplesso di progettazione pedagogica di. Linee di ricerca e impianto teoretico/sperimentale della flipped inclusion. Volume 1it_IT
dc.typeDoctoral Thesisit_IT
dc.contributor.coordinatoreElia, Annibaleit_IT
dc.description.cicloXVI n.s.it_IT
dc.contributor.tutorCorona, Feliceit_IT
dc.identifier.DipartimentoScienze Politiche, Sociali e della Comunicazioneit_IT
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