Browsing Testi e linguaggi. Volume 13 (2019) by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Recensioni e letture
(Roma : Carocci, 2019) -
Letteratura e matematica. Potenzialità didattiche nell"insegnamento della letteratura tedesca
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)In the German literary production of the &'& and && century, ideas, metaphors and concepts drawn from algebra, analysis, geometry and physics played a starring role. From a didactic viewpoint, these literary texts neatly ... -
La lingua del diritto e il testo letterario: un esperimento glottodidattico
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)This contribution deals with the complex issue of acquiring an adequate foreign language competence in specific professional domains. Ever increasingly, once their studies are over, foreign language graduates exploit their ... -
Discorso politico e satira: apprendimento linguistico con spirito critico
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The paper presents the educational pathway of a course in English Language and Linguistics for Master students of Political Science. Based on the study of irony, satire and parody applied to political and media discourse, ... -
progetto di sviluppo di Digital Philology: didattica e ricerca
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The aim of this paper is to propose a new methodological approach to the teaching of literature through the acquisition and use of the latest information technology. We imagine a new key to reading texts that will enable ... -
La littérature française à l épreuve des médias sociaux: formes d exploitation du réseautage social dans une perspective “facebookienne”
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)This paper aims to present a different perspective on the didactics of French literature in social media. The objective of this didactic proposal is to direct the teaching of French literature towards a new educational horizon ... -
Multimedialità e didattica della letteratura:
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The paper focuses on the teaching of literature at university through online discussion. The theoretical premises for the necessity of integrating discussion-based techniques with the predominant lecture mode can be ... -
Evoluzione emotiva. Una riflessione sul canone letterario fra Settecento e Ottocento
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The very concept of canon has undergone several changes over the last decades, having first been criticized as a mere instrument of power. Yet, its importance on the literary scene remains unquestionable. Today, there ... -
Le tecnologie nei quadri di riferimento, negli standard e nei portfolio linguistici internazionali
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The paper provides an outline of the role of technology in some of the most important frameworks, standards and portfolios in use for language education. An analysis of these texts is particularly useful to understand ... -
Integrar e interactuar para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa intercultural: una experiencia AICLE
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)For the classroom experimentation of integrated modules of Spanish L2 and sociocultural history in the Spanish language classroom of Foreign languages and cultures degree course at the Univerisity of Salerno, we integrate ... -
Modelli linguistici usage-based e la Grammatica delle Costruzioni: riflessioni glottodidattiche in contesti CLIL
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The latest research in the field of language acquisition has proved extremely fruitful in giving interesting insights to foreign and second language teaching. Cognitive linguistics that focuses on the symbolic nature of ... -
L’italiano scritto accademico all’università tra L1 e L2: riflessioni e proposte per un curricolo
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The Double/Joint Degree Agreements, growing thanks to the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research’s internationalization policy, require a more writing-oriented didactics of Italian second language (e.g. towards ... -
La valutazione dell’adeguatezza funzionale di produzioni orali e scritte in italiano L2 in tipologie di task differenti
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The paper discusses the role of variation in L2 learning and, more particularly, the influence of diamesic variation and variation in the communicative context, on oral and written performance in Italian L2. In order to ... -
La variazione diamesica in italiano L1 e L2: la costruzione della referenza
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The study investigates the variation between spoken and written narratives produced by Italian native speakers and learners of Italian L2. In native speakers’ texts, the variation among modalities emerges at textual, syntactical ... -
I falsi amici negli idioms gestuali italiani e inglesi
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)This paper will propose an analysis of false friends between English and Italian gestural idioms, that is cases where in the two languages a seemingly identical idiom exists that describes or refers to the same gesture ... -
Phraseologische Falsche Freunde im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Italienisch: eine Fallstudie anhand von Somatismen
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)Phraseological False Friends represent a less researched phenomenon than the non-equivalence of simple lexemes. From a foreign language didactic point of view, however, they are relevant, because phraseologisms, especially ... -
The acquisition of lexical and functional categories in English and German learners of Italian as a Foreign Language
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)The study of morphosyntactic development in children has a long tradition in both first (L1) and second (L2) language acquisition theories and literatures. In particular, «researchers of child language acquisition have ... -
Note sull’apprendimento delle parole polisemiche
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)As well known, both in the case of acquiring an L! and, later, a foreign language (FL), many factors related to communicative, affective and relational contexts come into play. The existence in the historical-natural languages ... -
Élaboration d’un module de français de spécialité à l’aide des TICE: le français de la croisière au sein des instituts de tourisme
(Roma : Carocci, 2019)In Italian technical institutes for tourism, the interest in cruises is growing. Therefore, the present contribution aims at presenting the different steps of a module of specialized French focused on cruise lexicon. This ... -
Pour une didactisation collaborative des emballages de produits alimentaires
(2019)The present paper, based on a French language course delivered to the students of “Management delle imprese internazionali” at the Parthenope University of Naples, aims to describe the educational path specifically created ...