Lo pseudotensore energia-impulso in teorie estese della gravitazione
The gravitational field’s energy and momentum definitions are treated in
extensive gravitation theories, through the generalization of the energymomentum
pseudotensor, defined by Einstein in general relativity. This extension
was obtained by modifying the Lagrangian of Hilbert-Einstein or by
using a different connection from the one of Levi- Civita as that of Weitzenböck
for teleparallel theories. We have firstly obtained the gravitational
energy-momentum pseudotensor for extended Lagrangians that depend on
the metric gμ⌫ and on its derivatives up to nth order and then demonstrated,
in general, its affine and non-covariant behavior. Then we applied the weak
field limit to Euler-Lagrange equations associated to the Lagrangian which
depends linearly on the ⇤R terms and derived the modified gravitational
waves with six polarization states, three transverse and three not, with helicity
0 and 2. Subsequently we have obtained, through the Noether theorem for
infinitesimal rigid translations, the relative energy-momentum pseudotensor
and after having developed it to the order h2 and mediated on an suitable
domain, we have calculated the power emitted from a possible gravitational
radiant source. For gravity f (R) and f (T) we have obtained the respective
energy-momentum pseudotensors and, via the border therm B which
connects the curvature R to the torsion T, we have studied the relative pseudotensor
#|!(T,B) allowing us to link ⌧↵
#|f(R) and ⌧↵
#|f(T). Finallywehave obtained
the equations for two theories of higher order telepallel gravity: in particular
for the Lagrangian L⇤kT = h
T +
k=0 akT⇤kT
and for the sixth
order telepallel gravity equivalent to LR⇤R = p−g (−R + a0R2 + a1R⇤R). [edited by author]