Now showing items 101-120 of 284

    • The role of physical frailty independent components on increased disabilities in institutionalized older women 

      Furtado, Guilherme; Letieri, Rubens; Caldo, Adriana; Patricio, Miguel; Loureiro, Marisa; Hogervorst, Eaf; Ferreira, Jose P.; Teixeira, Ana M. (2019)
      The purpose of this study was to identify the independent components of physical frailty that most influence disability indicators in institutionalized older women. A cross-sectional study with 319 participants ...
    • Assessing the impact of frailty on cognitive function in older adults receiving home care 

      Kleisiaris, Christos; Kaffatou, Eleni Maria; Papathanasiou, Ionna; Androulakis, Emmanouil; Panagiotakis, Simeon; Alvino, Serena; Tziraki, Chariklia (2019)
      It is commonly accepted that frailty and dementia-related cognitive decline are strongly associated. However, degree of this association is often debated, especially in homebound elders with disabilities. Therefore, ...
    • A study protocol for development and validation of a clinical prediction model for frailty (ModulEn): a new European commitment to tackling frailty 

      Apóstolo, Joao; Bobrowicz-Campos, Elzbieta; Moreno-Casbas, Teresa; Teixeira-Santos, Luisa; Sánchez de Madariaga, Ricardo; Casado-Ramírez, Elvira; Couto, Filipa; Coelho, Adriana Neves; Parola, Vitor; Gil, Isabel María; Pascual-Carrasco, Mario; Almeida, Maria de Lurdes; ModulEn consortium (2019)
      There is a growing need to implement and evaluate the technological solutions that allow the early detection of age-related frailty and enable assessment of the predictive values of frailty components. The broad use ...
    • An approach to prevent frailty in community dwelling older adults: a pilot study performed in Campania region in the framework of the PERSSILAA project 

      Cataldi, Mauro; De Luca, Vincenzo; Tramontano, Giovanni; Del Giudice, Carmine; Grimaldi, Iolanda; Cuccaro, Paula; Speranza, Patrizia; Iadicicco, Giuseppe; Iadicicco, Vincenzo; Carotenuto, Felicia; Riccio, Paolo A.; Di Spigna, Gaetano; Renzullo, Andrea; Vuolo, Laura; Barrea, Luigi; Savastano, Silvia; Colao, Annaria; Liotta, Giuseppe; Iaccarino, Guido; Abete, Pasquale; Buono, Pasqualina; Vollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam; Illario, Maddalena (2019)
      We developed and tested an innovative physical training method in older adults that embeds the gym program into everyday life in the most conservative way possible. Physical training was included in the activities of ...
    • EIP on AHA ontology for adherence: knowledge representation advanced tools 

      Román-Villarán, Esther; Pérez-Leon, Francisco De Paula; Escobar-Rodriguez, German Antonio; Parra-Calderón, Carlos Luis (2019)
      Nowadays diseases tend to chronicle, mainly due to the increase in life expectancy and this leads to a state of polypharmacy. More than 1.5% of Spain's GDP is spent on pharmaceuticals and healthcare products. Complex ...
    • Care for carers: an investigation on family caregivers' needs, tasks, and experiences 

      Zavagli, Veronica; Raccichini, Melania; Ercolani, Giacomo; Franchini, Luca; Varani, Silvia; Pannuti, Raffaella (2019)
      Family caregivers have an essential active role in cancer patients assistance at home. They play a key role in the management of patients and provide some caregiving activities once provided only by professional ...
    • Standard carotid endarterectomy versus carotid artery stenting with closed-cell stent design and distal embolic protection: does the age matter? 

      Peluso, Andrea; Turchino, Davide; Petrone, Alessio; Giribono, Anna Maria; Bracale, Renata; Del Guercio, Luca; Bracale, Umberto Marcello (2019)
      Carotid artery endarterectomy (CEA) is considered the gold standard for treatment of symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid disease. Carotid artery stenting (CAS) is a less invasive approach and therefore could be ...
    • The reference site collaborative network of the european innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing 

      Bousquet, Jean; Ilario, Maddalena; Farrell, John; Batey, Nick; Carriazo, Ana M.; Malva, João; Hajjam, Jawad; Colgan, Elaine; Guldemond, Nick; Perälä-Heape, Maritta; Onorato, Gabrielle L.; Bedbrook, Anna; Leonardini, Lisa; Stroetman, Veli; Birov, Strahil; Abreu, Cidalina; Abrunhosa, Ana; Agrimi, Adriana; Alalääkkölä, Timo; Allegretti, Nikša; Alonso-Trujillo, Federico; Álvarez-Benito, Marina; Angioli, Serena; Apóstolo, João; Armitage, Geoffrey; Arnavielhe, Sylvie; Baena-Parejo, Maria Isabel; Bamidis, Panagiotis; Balenović, Antonija; Barbolini, Mirka; Baroni, Irene; Blain, Hubert; Bernard, Pierrick L.; Bersani, Maurizio; Berti, Enrico; Bogatyrchuk, Leonid; Bourret, Richard; Brehm, Jörg; Brussino, Luisa; Buhr, Daniel; Bultje, Daan; Cabeza, Elena; Cano, Antonio; De Capitani, Cristina; Carantoña, Elena; Cardoso, Anabela; Coll Clavero, Juan I.; Combe, Bernard; Conforti, Diego; Coppola, Liliana; Corti, Fiorenzo; Coscioni, Enrico; Costa, Elisio; Crooks, Gregory; Cunha, Antônio; Daien, Claire; Dantas, Carina; Darpón Sierra, Jon; Davoli, Marina; Dedeu Baraldes, Antoni; De Luca, Vincenzo; De Nardi, Livio; Di Ciano, Marco; Dozet, Alexander; Ekinci, Bilge; Erve, Sylvie; Espinoza Almendro, Juan Manuel; Fait, Antonella; Fensli, Rune; Fernandez Nocelo, Susana; Gálvez-Daza, Purificación; Gámez-Payá, Javier; García Sáez, Mercedes; Garcia Sanchez, Inés; Gemicioğlu, Bilun; Goetzke, Wolfgang; Goossens, Edwig; Geurden, Marleen; Gütter, Zdeněk; Hansen, Harry; Hartman, Sanna; Hegendörfer, Gerhard; Heikka, Helena; Henderson, Donna; Héran, Daphné; Hirvonen, Susanna; Iaccarino, Guido; Jansson, Noora; Kallasvaara, Heikki; Kalyoncu, Ali Fuat; Kirchmayer, Ursula; Kokko, Jaana A.; Korpelainen, Juha; Kostka, Tomasz; Kuna, Piotr; Lajarín Ortega, Teresa; Lama, Carmen M.; Laune, Daniel; Lauri, Davide; Ledroit, Valentin; Levato, Gabriella; Lewis, Leo; Liotta, Giovanni; Lundgren, Lilian; Lupiañez-Villanueva, Francisco; Mc Garry, Paul; Maggio, Marcello; Manuel de Keenoy, Esteban; Martinez, C.; Martínez - Domene, Manuel; Martínez-Lozano Aranaga, Beatriz; Massimilliano, Mahnic; Maurizio, A.; Mayora, Oscar; Melle, Christian; Mendez-Zorilla, Amaia; Mengon, H.; Mercier, Grégoire; Mercier, Jacques; Meyer, Ingo; Millet Pi-Figueras, Alejandra; Mitsias, Panayiotis; Molloy, David W.; Monti, Riccardo; Moro, Maria Luisa; Muranko, H.; Nalin, Marco; Nobili, Alessandro; Noguès, Marc; O’Caoimh, Rónán; Pais, Sandra; Papini, Donato; Parkkila, Pettery; Pattichis, Constantinos; Pavlickova, Andrea; Peiponen, Arja; Pereira, Susana; Pépin, Jean Louis; Piera Jiménez, Jordi; Portheine, Peter; Potel, Louis; Pozzi, Anna Carla; Quiñonez, Pablo; Ramirez Lauritsen, Xenia; Ramos, Maria João; Rännäli-Kontturi, Anne; Risino, Amanda; Robalo-Cordeiro, Carlos; Rolla, Giancarlo; Roller, Regina; Romano, Maria; Romano, Virginia; Ruiz-Fernández, Jesús; Saccavini, Claudio; Sachinopoulou, Anna; Sánchez Rubio, Maria José; Santos, Lucia; Scalvini, Sheila; Scopetani, Elisa; Smedberg, Daniel; Solana-Lara, Rafael; Sołtysik, Bartlomiej; Sorlini, Marzio; Stericker, Stephen; Stramba Badiale, Marco; Taillieu, Inge; Tervahauta, Markku; Teixeira, Ana; Tikanmäki, Heidi; Todo-Bom, Ana; Tooley, André; Tuulonen, Anja; Tziraki, Chariklia; Ussai, Silvia; Van der Veen, Sabina; Venchiarutti, Arrigo; Verdoy-Berastegi, Dolores; Verissimo, Manuel; Visconti, Laura; Vollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam; Weinzerl, Katharina; Wozniak, Lucyna; Yorgancıoğlu, Arzu; Zavagli, Veronica; Zurkuhlen, Alexia J. (2019)
      Seventy four Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) have been recognised by the European Commission in 2016 for their commitment to excellence in investing ...
    • The RAPid COmmunity COGnitive screening Programme (RAPCOG): developing the portuguese version of the quick mild cognitive impairment (QMCI-P) screen as part of the eip on aha twinning scheme 

      Machado dos Santos, Pedro; O’Caoimh, Rónán; Svendrovski, Anton; Casanovas, Claudi; Orfila Pernas, Francesc; Illario, Maddalena; Molloy, William; Paul, Constança (2019)
      As populations age and the prevalence of cognitive impairment increases, healthcare professionals and researchers require short, validated cognitive screening instruments (CSIs). As part the EIP-on-AHA Twinning Support ...
    • Smart healthy age-friendly environments – policy recommendations of the thematic network shafe 

      Dantas, Carina; Van Staalduinen, Willeke; Jegundo, Ana; Ganzarain, Javier; Van der Mark, Melvin; Rodrigues, Flavia; Illario, Maddalena; De Luca, Vincenzo (2019)
      The European Commission (DG SANTE) launched a call for proposals in November 2017 on strategic initiatives for a Joint Statement in 2018. Ten proposals were voted until December 7th in the European Union Health Policy ...
    • Health tourism: an opportunity for sustainable development 

      Illario, Maddalena; De Luca, Vincenzo; Leonardini, Lisa; Kucharczyk, Maciej; Parent, Anne-Sophie; Dantas, Carina; Jegundo, Ana Luísa; Van Staalduinen, Willeke; Ganzarain, Javier; Comisso, Leopoldo; Bramezza, Carlo; Carriazo, Ana Maria; Maritati, Antonio; Tramontano, Giovanni; Capozzi, Pierfrancesco; Goossens, Eva; Cotrone, Carmela; Costantini, Arianna; Ciliberti, Michela; Femiano, Maria; D’Amore, Antonio; Forlenza, Maria; Ruggiero, Rosa; Bianchi, Attilio; Augustin, Lua; Marrazzo, Vincenzo; Dello Ioio, Tristano; Capaldo, Steven J.; Crudeli, Aurelio; De Cesare, Giovanni; Cuccaro, Fausta; Bracale, Giancarlo; Tramontano, Donatella; Postiglione, Amedeo; Matera, Camilla; Coscioni, Enrico; Bousquet, Jean (2019)
      In February 2017, the “Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute” (ProMis), that is the Italian Program for Internationalization of Regional Health Systems of the Ministry of Health (MoH), presented the first version of ...
    • Cognitive stimulation in older adults: an innovative good practice supporting successful aging and self-care 

      Apóstolo, João; Bobrowicz-Campos, Elzbieta; Gil, Isabel; Silva, Raquel; Costa, Paulo; Couto, Filipa; Cardoso, Dhiordan; Barata, André; Almeida, Maria (2019)
      The project Cognitive Stimulation in Older Adults: Intervention on Cognitive Frailty and Promotion of Self-Care (in brief the ECOG project) arises in a context of worldwide demographic aging, and is fostered by the ...
    • Public prevention plans to manage climate change and respiratory allergic diseases. Innovative models used in Campania Region (Italy): the twinning Aria implementation and the allergy safe tree: decalogue 

      Patella, Vincenzo; Florio, Giovanni; Magliacane, Diomira; Giuliano, Ada; Russo, Laura Filomena; D’Amato, Valeria; De Luca, Vincenzo; Iaccarino, Guido; Illario, Maddalena; Bousquet, Jean (2019)
      In recent years, climate change has been influenced by air pollution, and this destructive combination has justifiably sounded an alarm for nations and many institutional bodies worldwide. Official reports state that ...
    • Innovative approaches to active and healthy ageing: Campania experience to improve the adoption of innovative good practices 

      De Luca, Vincenzo; Tramontano, Giovanni; Del Giudice, Carmine; Grimaldi, Iolanda; Romano, Rosaria; Liguori, Ilaria; Carpinelli Mazzi, Michele; Di Carluccio, Nadia; Riccio, Paolo A.; Speranza, Patrizia; Iavarone, Alessandro; Abete, Pasquale; Postiglione, Amedeo; Cataldi, Mauro; Vallone, Cayetano; Giallauria, Francesco; Cittadini, Antonio; Triggiani, Maurizio; Savastano, Silvia; Menditto, Enrica; Leonardini, Lisa; Colao, Annaria; Triassi, Maria; Iaccarino, Guido; Postiglione, Amedeo; Coscioni, Enrico; Illario, Maddalena (2019)
      The demographic projections on the European population predict that people aged over 60 will increase by about two million/year in the next decades. Since 2012, the Campania Reference Site of the European Innovation ...
    • Digital services landscape in primary care setting in city of Zagreb; an EIP-AHA reference site case study 

      Lazic, Vuk; Pjevac, Neda; Masic, Admir; Milutinovic, Lea; Sijak, Dorotea; Balenovic, Aleksandra (2019)
      European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) brings together partners to create innovative solutions to the challenges of aging. Reference Sites (RS) of the Partnership act as hubs of ...
    • Withholding and withdrawing in real life 

      Piazza, Ornella (2018)
    • Treatment of de novo femoro-popliteal lesions with a new Drug Coated Balloon: early experience of a single Center in the first 50 patients 

      Bracale, Umberto Marcello; Di Filippo, Mathilde; De Capua, Antonio; Vanni, Linda; Narese, Donatella; Pecoraro, Felice; Giribono, Anna Maria; Bracale, Renata (2018)
      Angioplasty with drug-coated balloon (DCB) is an emerging and reliable method for the treatment of femoro-popliteal lesions. We report our experience with the Stellarex™ DCB in the first 50 patients. Methods - From ...
    • Leg fracture associated with synostosis of interosseous membrane during running in a soccer player 

      Oliva, Francesco; Buharaja, Rodrigo; Iundusi, Riccardo; Tarantino, Umberto (2017)
      ntroduction - Leg fractures may occur frequently in sport injuries but it is very rare to find this kind of injury associated with interosseous membrane synostosis. This case report describes a unique case of 42 B1.2 ...
    • Elective orthopaedic and trauma patients in southern italy are vitamin d deficient. A pilot study. 

      Foccillo, Antonio; Aicale, Rocco; Maffulli, Nicola (2017)
      Many patients present with Vitamin D (Vit d; 25 (OH) D) deficiency on admission to hospital. The present study evaluated the levels of serum concentration of 25 (OH) D in patients undergoing elective arthroplasty of the ...
    • MicroRNs and cardiovascular diseas es: from bench to beside 

      De Rosa, Roberta; Polito, Maria Vincenza; Benvenga, Rossella Maria; De Angelis, Elena; Piscione, Federico; Galasso, Gennaro (2017)
      MicroRNAs (microRNAs or miRs) are small, noncoding RNAs that control gene expression by binding to and repressing specific mRNA target and have emered as powerful regulators of many biological processes. Understanding ...