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dcterms.contributor.authorOliva, Francesco
dcterms.contributor.authorBuharaja, Rodrigo
dcterms.contributor.authorIundusi, Riccardo
dcterms.contributor.authorTarantino, Umberto
dcterms.identifier.citationOliva F, Buharaja R, Iundusi R, Tarantino U. Leg fracture associated with synostosis of interosseous membrane during running in a soccer player. Translational Medicine @ UniSa 2017, 17(1): 1-5.it_IT
dc.description.abstractntroduction - Leg fractures may occur frequently in sport injuries but it is very rare to find this kind of injury associated with interosseous membrane synostosis. This case report describes a unique case of 42 B1.2 fracture of the leg associated with an interosseous membrane synostosis and literature review on Pubmed, Google scholar and Medscape. Case Presentation - A 26 year old male amateur soccer player came to our attention at the emergency room after a fall while he was running without any direct trauma following a referred ankle sprain. X-ray and CT scan of the left leg showed a comminuted displaced fracture of the lower middle third of tibial and peroneus diaphysis, and moreover, a fracture of peroneal malleolus associated with a bone bridge between the tibia and fibula. The patient was treated with a surgical osteosynthesis the day after trauma. Conclusion - We think that the interosseous membrane plays an important role in biomechanics of the leg even during running. To our knowledge, this is the first case reported which show the fractures of the tibia and fibula associated with an ipsilateral synostosis of the interosseous membrane. Class of evidence: Level V.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 1-5it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectInterosseous membraneit_IT
dcterms.subjectLeg fractureit_IT
dcterms.titleLeg fracture associated with synostosis of interosseous membrane during running in a soccer playerit_IT
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