Tesi di dottorato: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 1584
La prasseologia delle attivitàdi movimento danzato come strumento di implementazione delle pratiche didattiche: un approccio corporeo inclusivo
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-03)Tra i 5 e i 12 anni il bambino dimostra abilità sociali-artistiche-sportive maggiormente complesse rispetto agli stadi precedenti, per cui esse vanno opportunamente sollecitate fin dalla prima scolarizzazione (Erickson ... -
Adapted numerical methods for evolutionary problems
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-05-30)Questo studio presenta nuovi metodi numerici per la risoluzione di equazioni dif- ferenziali/integrali di interesse nelle applicazioni. Questa tesi si compone di quattro parti. Parte I presenta metodi numerici per ... -
Formazione Integrata Teorico Pratico Esperienziale Embodied-based per i docenti. Il ruolo inclusivo della scuola
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-03)L’Embodied Cognition pone i processi di apprendimento alla luce di una visione multi- prospettica emergente dal dialogo tra diversi ambiti del sapere onde capitalizzarne criticamente le implicazioni (Sibilio, 2020), ... -
Development of edible coating functionalized with hydroxyapatite, complexed with bioactive compounds for the shelf-life extension of food products
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-05-08)The main goal of food packaging is to protect the food from physical, chemical and biological contaminations. The environmental impact of conventional food packaging directed research towards new packaging strategies ... -
Molecular mechanisms of TFF1-Helicobacter cross-talk
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-04-18)Helicobacter pylori is one of the most important pathogenic bacteria associated with various gastric diseases, including cancer. This pathogen induces an acute mucosal inflammatory response and, if not eradicated, it ... -
Innovative structured catalysts susceptible to microwaves for the intensification of chemical processes
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-27)Since the late 1980s, the scientific community has been attracted to microwave (MW) energy as an alternative method of heating, due to its peculiarity to be a volumetric process in which heat is generated within the material ... -
Valorizzazione della fine vita di edifici a secco in conformità ai cam edilizia
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-01-02)The construction sector plays a key role in the goal of a 55 percent reduction in climate-changing gas emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels), as well as full decarbonization by 2050. A careful analysis of previous ... -
Impactos sociales, ambientales y económicos por la construcción de megaproyectos viales en Latinoamérica
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-03)Megaprojects have been recognized by States, multilateral organizations and investors as instruments of urban development, large-scale constructions that promote economic growth. All this is based on the principle of ... -
Integrated structural and thermal upgrading of Existing masonry walls using Textile-strengthened mortars with jute fibers: A cross-scale experimental study
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-03-29)In last few years, scientist and researchers are working to find the best solution for integrated reinforcement techniques to achieve integrated (Structural and Thermal) upgrading or retrofitting of masonry walls using ... -
Estimates for the transition kernel for elliptic operators with unbounded coefficients
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-09)This manuscript is devoted to the study of the qualitative behaviour of the solutions of evolution equations arising from elliptic and parabolic problems on unbounded domains with unbounded coefficients. In particular, ... -
Development of novel anticancer compounds directed towards promising therapeutic targets
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-04-19)Lysine acetylation of histone tails is an epigenetic hallmark that plays a crucial role in the regulation of chromatin structure. Alteration in acetylation levels and/or aberrant activity in proteins involved in this ... -
Toward the future community care: a multi-step exploratory study from a service & systems perspective focused on the key role of technology
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-18)In our fast-changing world, management and marketing acquire a strategic relevance. They become an important reference and support when it comes to making healthcare more effective, efficient, and sustainable. A key ... -
Innovative catalytic Formulations for photo-assisted Chemical reactions
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-14)Heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation has been extensively studied for environmental applications such as purification processes aimed to the removal of organic substances at room temperature both in water and in air. ... -
The Importance and Evolution of Forensic Accounting
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-05-22)Committing any fraud, whether it is a significant scheme such as in an organization, or a small project (such as cheating), could be said that it is a phenomenon inherent in human society and accompanying it throughout ... -
A characterisation of mathematics education creativity inspired by active and popular pedagogy
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-05-30)The present PhD thesis has been developed through an interweaving of reflections and experiences in the field of mathematics education that have, gradually, steered the research interest in a specific direction. Initially, ... -
Design of monoaxial and coaxial Electrospun membranes for Biomedical applications
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-21)According to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, cancer is a disease that each year causes above 17% of all global deaths (2017). Currently, the most used therapies are generally administrated orally or ... -
On the regularity of solutions of free boundary problems
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-09)Optimal design problems have aroused particular interest in the scientific com- munity over the past thirty years. In physics, for example, they find application in the investigation of the minimal energy configurations ... -
Praseodymium and manganese doped Ca2RuO4: crystals growth and physical properties
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-17)Layered ruthenates have received a great attention in condensed matter physics due to the richness of their physical properties and the related phase diagram. Ruthenate compounds show a strong interplay between electronic, ... -
Numerical Modeling of Stochastic Differential Problems with Applications
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-01-27)The interest in the study of stochastic differential equations has grown considerably in recent years. The main reason for this interest is that stochastic differential equations are a potential tool for modeling ... -
La nuova generazione dei sistemi Acquaponici avanzati per lo Sviluppo sostenibile e la Bioeconomia circolare
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-20)Secondo le previsioni dell’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’alimentazione e l’agricoltura (FAO), la domanda alimentare è in continua crescita. Al tempo stesso si stima che entro il 2050 si avrò un aumento della ...