Tesi di dottorato: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 1584
La forma letteraria dialogica nella cultura italiana del XVIII secolo
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-03-10)The research aims to cover a gap in the studies in Italian Eighteenth Century, which is that relating to the fate and the uses of the dialogic literary form. If the dialogue genre has been specifically studied by the ... -
I manoscritti di Orazio De Attellis nella Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-10-12)The aim of this research is to introduce the importance of Orazio De Attellis, a Molisan writer who lived between the eighteenth and the nineteenth century, by realising the critical edition of two of his works still ... -
Principi generali e autonomia negoziale
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-12-18)A discourse on the general principles of law cannot ignore the investigation of the role that the judicial interpretation plays with respect to their elaboration. Indeed, it is not possible to distinguish: the investigation ... -
Riforma dell'internamento psichiatrico giudiziario discorsi e pratiche di superamento degli OPG
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-10-23)The 17th of February 2012 the law that provides for the final overcoming of the OPGs was approved. On May 11th 2017 the last psychiatric-forensic asylum has been closed. A part of the scientific literature read this ... -
La ricostruzione biofedele: valutazione della confidenza dimensionale e validazione in vitro e in vivo di dispositivi chirurgici custom made innovativi
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-06-04)Many diseases require surgical treatments which, in most cases, are perform-based on the experience of the surgeon with the obvious limitations that ensue about precision of the treatment. Increasingly, the CAD / CAS ... -
I Sermones di Goffredo di San Vittore. Edizione, studio e commento
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-07-20)This doctoral thesis proposes a critical edition of the thirty-two Sermones of Godfrey of Saint Victor (almost entirely unpublished until today) with an apparatus of biblical and liturgical, classical, patristic and ... -
Semina veritatis. Geschichte und Metaphysik bei Leibniz
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-07-14)La mia tesi è dedicata alla concezione di Leibniz della storia della filosofia e il rapporto tra essa e la metafisica. Come mostro nel mio lavoro, Leibniz presenta una concezione progressiva della storia della filosofia, ... -
Parodontite e carcinoma del colon-retto: la possibile associazione genetica e patogenetica
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-04-29)Base di partenza scientifica e razionale: Il carcinoma del colon-retto (CRC) è una neoplasia maligna molto comune, caratterizzata da un’incidenza stimata intorno al 9-10% ed una mortalità del circa 8-9% (700.000 morti/anno). La ... -
An Impact Evaluation of Public Financial Aid on Economic Development at Macroeconomic and Firm-Level: The Case of Transition Economies
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-01-10)During the last three decades, transition economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have experienced important structural, institutional, and political reforms under the umbrella of shifting from state socialism to ... -
Supported gold nanoparticles as promising catalysts in sustainable organic synthesis
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-03-23)Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) emerged as very promising catalysts in a lot of organic reactions and industrial applications. These catalysts are in fact capable of catalysing chemical processes under mild conditions ... -
Olive oil and oleate affect hepatic proteome and mitochondrial dynamics: in vivo and in vitro approaches
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-05-27)The Mediterranean diet (MD) has been pointed out as a nutritional approach to prevent metabolic disturbances leading to obesity, diabetes and liver steatosis. These properties have been largely attributed to oleic acid and ... -
L’azione dei Tribunali militari nella guerra al brigantaggio (1863-1865). Alcuni casi di studio
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-07-08)L’attività di ricerca si è concentrata sul problema della guerra al brigantaggio condotta dallo stato italiano nel Mezzogiorno negli anni a ridosso dell’unità. In particolare, sulla fase della guerra in cui fu attuato il ... -
Design, development and on-field testing of advanced solutions for monitoring, diagnosis and fault mitigation of SOFCs
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-12-20)The work presented in this thesis is aimed at developing an advanced algorithm to monitor the State of Health (SoH) of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs). Then a computational structure has been implemented for the diagnosis ... -
A Conceptual Framework for Measuring Maintenance Impacts on Sustainability
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-09-15)The paradigm of sustainable manufacturing has attracted a great deal of attention over the last decade as an emerging manufacturing approach intending to empower the enterprises to cope with several challenges (such as ... -
Anomalies detection in credit risk data: an approach based on the Isolation Forest
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-12-16)As starting point the definition of Risk as the chances of having an unexpected or negative outcome has been introduced. After a brief introduction on most of the risk categories as Banks and regulators, the thesis ... -
Valorization of typical agricultural productions and related biomasses as sources of bioactive compounds
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-11-05)Main target of this PhD project was to define the metabolome of the main by-products, and in certain cases of the edible parts, of selected agroalimentary productions, that are the flowers of Opuntia ficus indica Mill. ... -
Wind energy prediction: a forecasting model based on ANNs and meteorological data on mesoscale
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-04-14)Energy is essential to society for ensuring good quality of life by modern standards. Nowadays, fossil fuels are still the most used energy source, but, due to their depletion and contribution to climate change, the ... -
Smart city e sviluppo del territorio. Matera 2019: un'esperienza di successo
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-06-18)The research is focused on smart cities as an evolution of territorial marketing and has the aim of analyse the specific role within the process of local development. Focus is on urban dimension as a functional level ... -
Multiphysic modeling and numerical simulation of injection pultrusion processes: impregnation flow, heat-transfer and stress-strain analysis
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-06-19)The present thesis focuses on the study and the modeling of the behaviors occurring in injection pultrusion processes to produce fiber reinforced thermoset polymers. The high market appeal of pultruded profiles and the ... -
Espressione genica indotta dall'ormone somatotropo nei monociti di bambini sani e con deficit di GH
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-07-13)Somatotropic hormone (GH) has transcriptional effects on the cells of many organs, directly by activating its receptor (GHR) or indirectly through induction of IGF-1 or other mediators. The presence of GHR in almost all ...