• "Crossroads". Annual Meeting of the National Council on Public History 

      National Council on Public History <2022 ; Montreal, Quebec> (2022)
    • Crowdsourced COVID-19 Collections: A Brief Overview 

      Zumthurm, Tizian <Public History, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg> (T. Zumthurm, Crowdsourced COVID-19 Collections: A Brief Overview, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, pp. 77-83, 2021)
      This article provides an overview of how public historians and other actors collect material on the global COVID-19 pandemic. Their common goal is to archive a diversity of perspectives to document these historic times. ...
    • Crowdsourcing and User Generated Content: The Raison d’Être of Digital Public History 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, "Crowdsourcing and User Generated Content: The Raison d’Être of Digital Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 35-48, 2022)
      Digital History is different from digital public history (DPH) and this essaydescribes the central role of crowdsourcing practices in defining the specificity ofDPH. At the end of the 1970s, public history (PH) divided its ...
    • “La Cuccagna” e “La Rabbia” : l’Italia del miracolo nel mondo della guerra fredda 

      Cruciani, Sante (S. Cruciani, “La Cuccagna” e “La Rabbia” : l’Italia del miracolo nel mondo della guerra fredda, «Officina della Storia», 2017, n. 12, 2017)
    • Curation as a Social Practice: Counter-Narratives in Public Space 

      Kathke, Torsten <Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany>; Tomann, Juliane <Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany>; Uhlig, Mirko <Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany> (T. Kathke, J. Tomann, M. Uhlig, Curation as a Social Practice: Counter-Narratives in Public Space, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 71-79, 2022)
      The term “curation” has taken on a host of meanings beyond the museum context. While there are marked differences between its meanings – including the specific act of exhibition-making as well as the act of keeping and ...
    • Curation: Toward a New Ethic of Digital Public History 

      Tebeau, Mark <Arizona State University, USA> (M. Tebeau, "Curation: Toward a New Ethic of Digital Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 277-290, 2022)
      This essay argues that a new curatorial ethic has emerged at the heart of digital public history, reflecting a flourishing of curatorial work in the broad culture. Everyone has become a curator: the disc jockey who spins ...
    • Cybermemorials: Remembrance and Places of Memory in the Digital Age 

      Camarda, Sandra <University of Luxembourg> (S. Camarda, "Cybermemorials: Remembrance and Places of Memory in the Digital Age", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 337-348, 2022)
      The rise of user-generated media culture and the diffusion of digital tech-nologies have contributed to the production of new forms of mnemonic practices thatcoexist with, enhance, or altogether replace traditional memorial ...
    • Da una serata di RaiStoria alla divulgazione della storia per immagini 

      Giannotti, Giuseppe; Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD) (G. Giannotti, "Da una serata di RaiStoria alla divulgazione della storia per immagini", in L. Cortini, Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, 2014, pp. 125-130, 2014)
    • Dalla public history alla applied history. Ruolo pubblico e funzione politica della storia nel recente dibattito storiografico angloamericano 

      Giuliani, Benedetta (B. Giuliani, Dalla public history alla applied history. Ruolo pubblico e funzione politica della storia nel recente dibattito storiografico angloamericano, «Diacronie. Studi di storia contemporanea», 32, 2017, n. 4, pp. 1-24, (2017)
    • Dalla storia all’inclusione. Il racconto della comunità cinese di Prato 

      Finizio, Davide (D. Finizio, "Dalla storia all’inclusione. Il racconto della comunità cinese di Prato", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, 2022)
      The contribution describes the connections between attempt in building the history of the chinese community in Prato and the inclusion process activated thanks to the Memory Train in the project of the Tuscany region. As ...
    • Dalle teche dell’Aamod: un caso di censura cinematografica relativo alla Modena degli anni cinquanta 

      Capoccia, Marta (M. Capoccia, Dalle teche dell’Aamod: un caso di censura cinematografica relativo alla Modena degli anni cinquanta, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 324-326, 2020)
    • Dall’Africa a Woodstock, passando per Londra. Genesi della musica che cambiò il mondo 

      Salvatore, Clarissa (C. Salvatore, "Dall’Africa a Woodstock, passando per Londra. Genesi della musica che cambiò il mondo", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2022, n.6, pp. 223-226, 2022)
      Quali sono le origini della Rivoluzione culturale degli anni Settanta? Come nasce il rock and roll, la sua colonna sonora? Questi fenomeni sociali assumono chiarezza soltanto quando si pone l’accento sul contributo della ...
    • Danke und nichts für ungut! Geisteswissenschaften ganz bei sich 

      Teutsch, Katharina (K. Teutsch, Danke und nichts für ungut! Geisteswissenschaften ganz bei sich, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 20, 2014)
      “Danke für die freundliche Einführung”, “Vielen Dank für die anregenden Kommentare”, “Ich danke Ihnen für die weiterführenden Hinweise”, “Danke, ich werde das gerne aufnehmen” – danke, danke, danke und nichts für ungut in ...
    • Dark Academia: Curating Affective History in a COVID-Era Internet Aesthetic 

      Adriaansen, Robbert-Jan <Center for Historical Culture, Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands> (R.J. Adriaansen, Dark Academia: Curating Affective History in a COVID-Era Internet Aesthetic, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 105-114, 2022)
      Dark academia is an ‘internet aesthetic,’ an aesthetic style used in posts on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr that resonates the atmosphere of life in boarding schools, prep schools, and (Ivy League) colleges ...
    • Das Schulbuch auf dem Prüfstand – neue Zulassungsverfahren 

      Fenn, Monika (M. Fenn, Das Schulbuch auf dem Prüfstand – neue Zulassungsverfahren, «Public history weekly», 1, 2013, n. 15, 2013)
      Obwohl digitale Medien die Klassenzimmer erobern, werden Geschichtsschulbücher noch immer intensiv genutzt. Da sie offenbar mehr Einfluss auf die Unterrichtsgestaltung ausüben als die Lehrpläne selbst, gelten sie als ...
    • Data Visualization for History 

      Grandjean, Martin <University of Lausanne and the EPFL, Switzerland> (M. Grandjean, "Data Visualization for History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 291-300, 2022)
      It is logical that the generalization of digital approaches in history is leading to a democratization of the graphic representation of the data produced by these processes. Rather than presenting long series of examples, ...
    • David Dean, ed., A Companion to Public History : [book review] 

      Muñoz, Catalina <Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, South America> (C. Muñoz, review to, David Dean, ed., A Companion to Public History, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-2, 2019)
    • La “delazione slava”. Trieste 1944: alcune note tra storia e antropologia a partire da una fonte dimenticata in morte di Natale Kolarič 

      Scartabellati, Andrea (A. Scartabellati, La “delazione slava”. Trieste 1944: alcune note tra storia e antropologia a partire da una fonte dimenticata in morte di Natale Kolarič, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 264-292, 2020)
    • Der Einbürgerungstest. Geschichte als Eintrittskarte? 

      Gautschi, Peter (P. Gautschi, Der Einbürgerungstest. Geschichte als Eintrittskarte?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 27, 2014)
      Welche Erzählungen über die Vergangenheit eine Gesellschaft bewahren will, zeigt sich bei den Tests zur Erlangung von Staatsbürgerschaft. Menschen, die sich für eine neue Staatsbürgerschaft bewerben, müssen in verschiedenen ...