• Identities – a historical look at online memory and identity issues 

      Gebeil, Sophie <Aix Marseille University, France> (S. Gebeil, "Identities – a historical look at online memory and identity issues", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 87-96, 2022)
      Since the 1990s, profound changes linked to the globalization of both eco-nomic activities and information, as well as increased individual mobility have givenrise to questions about national identities. This has occurred ...
    • If They are Taxi Drivers – What Are We? Archives and Schools 

      Hodel, Jan (Hodel "If They are Taxi Drivers –What Are We? Archives and Schools'', in M. Demantowsky M (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, , pp. 202-206, 2018)
    • Imagining the Nation throughout School History Master Narratives 

      Carretero, Mario (M. Carretero , ''Imagining the Nation throughout School History Master Narratives", in M. Demantowsky (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, pp 97-108, 2018)
    • Immagini di città dopo i terremoti tra Europa e America 

      Mantini, Silvia <Università degli Studi dell’Aquila> (S. Mantini, Immagini di città dopo i terremoti tra Europa e America, in S. Mantini (a cura di), "Ricostruire storie. Riflessioni e pratiche di Storia moderna". p. 65-81, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2020, 2020)
    • Individuals in the Crowd: Privacy, Online Participatory Curation, and the Public Historian as Private Citizen 

      Gordon, Tammy S. <North Carolina State University> (T. S. Gordon, "Individuals in the Crowd: Privacy, Online Participatory Curation, and the Public Historian as Private Citizen", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 317-326, 2022)
      This essay examinesNC HB2: A Citizens’History, a digital project that gath-ers materials related to North Carolina House Bill 2, also known as“the bathroombill,”legislation that promoted discrimination against transgender ...
    • Infographics and Public History 

      Signoriello, Federica (F. Signoriello, "Infographics and Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 531-544, 2022)
      This chapter focuses on the role of infographics in public history. In thelast few years, infographics have become increasingly popular both on- and offline.My aim is thus to identify best practices in order to bridge the ...
    • Interactive Museum & Exhibitions in Digital Public History Projects and Practices: An Overview and the Unusual Case of M9 Museum 

      Di Giacomo, Michelangela <M9 Museum di Mestre, Italia>; Karrer, Livio <M9 Museum di Mestre, Italia> (M. Di Giacomo, L. Karrer, "Interactive Museum & Exhibitions in Digital Public History Projects and Practices: An Overview and the Unusual Case of M9 Museum", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 175-184, 2022)
      How are museums evolving in their mission of being institutions not anymore dedicated only to collect and preserve heritage? What are some of the chal-lenges museums face today? How is the impact of new technologies affecting ...
    • Internationalizing public history 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze>; Cauvin, Thomas <Colorado State University, United States> (S. Noiret e T. Cauvin, Internationalizing public history, in J.B. Gardner, P. Hamilton (a cura di), "Oxford handbook for public history", New York, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp.25-43, (2017)
    • Introduction 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze>; Tebeau, Mark <Arizona State University, USA>; Zaagsma, Gerben <University of Luxembourg> (S. Noiret, M. Tebeau, G. Zaagsma, "Introduction", in Handbook of Digital Public History, edited by Serge Noiret, Mark Tebeau and Gerben Zaagsma, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 1-16, 2022)
      This handbook provides a systematic overview of the present state of interna-tional research in digital public history (DPH). Detailed individual studies by interna-tionally renowned public historians, digital humanists ...
    • Introduzione 

      Bravi, Luca <Università di Firenze>; Oliviero, Stefano <Università di Firenze>; Martinelli, Chiara <Università di Firenze> (L. Bravi, C. Martinelli and S. Oliviero, "Introduzione", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 11-17, 2022)
      The introduction aims at underlining how the Resistance movement has been dealt throughout the political debate hold in republican Italy, summing up how scholastic law deals with the topic. Eventually, it sums up the ...
    • Introduzione. Public History of Education: una proposta operativa per costruire una comunità educante 

      Bandini, Gianfranco <Università di Firenze>; Oliviero, Stefano <Università di Firenze> (G. Bandini, S.Oliviero, Introduzione. Public History of Education: una proposta operativa per costruire una comunità educante, in G. Bandini, S. Oliviero (a cura di), "Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze", 2019, pp. IX-XII, (2019)
    • l cittadino digitale e la storia: un nuovo rapporto? 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori. “Il cittadino digitale e la storia: un nuovo rapporto?”, in B. Borghi, F. F. Garcia Pèrez, O. Moreno Fernández (a cura di), Novi Cives: Cittadini dall’Infanzia in poi, Bologna, Patron, 2015, pp. 117-126, 2015)
    • Laboratorio L’Aquila. Nuove narrazioni per storie riemerse 

      Mantini, Silvia <Università degli Studi dell’Aquila> (Silvia Mantini, Laboratorio L'Aquila. Nuove narrazioni di storie riemerse, in S. Mantini (a cura di), Ricostruire storie. Riflessioni e pratiche di Storia moderna. p. 123-133, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2020, 2020)
    • Il lavoro di alcuni autori nell'"arena della storia" 

      Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD) (AAMOD, "Il lavoro di alcuni autori nell'"arena della storia", in L. Cortini, Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, 2014, pp. 121-123, 2014)
    • Il lavoro nella scuola. Contesti, metodologie, strumenti 

      Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD) (AAMOD, "Il lavoro nella scuola. Contesti, metodologie, strumenti", in L. Cortini, Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, 2014, pp. 213-215, 2014)
    • Learning Public History by doing Public History 

      Kelly, Mills <George Mason University, USA> (M.Kelly, "Learning Public History by doing Public History”, in Handbook of Digital Public History,Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 211-222, 2022)
      How should we teach public history undergraduate students the digitalliteracy and skills they will need in their future careers as public historians? Thisessay examines the current state of teaching digital public history ...
    • Learning, and Understanding of Public History as Part of the Professional Historical Education at German Universitie 

      Arendes, Cord (C. Arendes "Learning, and Understanding of Public History as Part of the Professional Historical Education at German Universities'', in M. Demantowsky (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, pp. 55-68, 2018)
    • Linked Open Data & Metadata 

      Meghini, Carlo <Università di Pisa> (C. Meghini, "Linked Open Data & Metadata", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 439-446, 2022)
      This article considers linked data, starting with the four rules drawn up in 2006 by the inventor of the web, Tim Berners-Lee, to produce this kind of data: (1) to use a web standard, the Internationalized Resource Identifier ...
    • Living History: Performing the Past 

      Dean, David <Carleton University> (D. Dean, "Living History: Performing the Past", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 349-358, 2022)
      This contribution explores a variety of ways in which history has beenperformed digitally in the hope of making the past come to life and imbuing it withsignificance for audiences. Bringing the perspectives of a public ...
    • Luoghi e memorialistica. Aspetti didattici del Memoriale degli italiani di Auschwitz tra passato e presente 

      Bravi, Luca <Università di Firenze> (L. Bravi, "Luoghi e memorialistica. Aspetti didattici del Memoriale degli italiani di Auschwitz tra passato e presente", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 115-124, 2022)
      The Memorial for the Italian died in nazi camps is an artistic masterpiece commissioned in 1979 by the National Association Former Prisoneers in nazi camp. It was inagurated in 1980 in the National Auschwitz Museum as ...