• Exploring Large-Scale Digital Archives – Opportunities and Limits to Use Unsupervised Machine Learning for the Extraction of Semantics 

      Van Hooland, Seth <Vrije Universiteit Brussel>; Coeckelbergs, Mathias <Université libre de Bruxelles> (S. van Hooland, M. Coeckelbergs, "Exploring Large-Scale Digital Archives – Opportunities and Limits to Use Unsupervised Machine Learning for the Extraction of Semantics", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 517-530, 2022)
      The current excitement in regards to machine learning has spurred enthu-siasm amongst collection holders and historians alike to rely on algorithms to re-duce the amount of manual labor required for management and appraisal ...
    • I film che raccontano la storia 

      Vicari, Daniele; Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD) (D. Vicari, "I film che raccontano la storia", in L. Cortini, Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, 2014, pp. 187-210, 2014)
    • Film di propaganda e militanza, cinema amatoriale e di famiglia, tra finito e non finito 

      Cortini, Letizia; Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD) (L. Cortini, "Film di propaganda e militanza, cinema amatoriale e di famiglia, tra finito e non finito", in L. Cortini, Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, 2014, pp. 231-263, 2014)
    • Le fonti filmiche per l’insegnamento della storia 

      Casula, Carlo Felice; Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD) (C.F. Casula, "Le fonti filmiche per l’insegnamento della storia", in L. Cortini, Le fonti audiovisve per la storia e la didattica, 2014, pp. 31-38, 2014)
    • Le fonti filmiche, i processi produttivi, la storia e la sua narrazione 

      Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD) (A. Medici, "Le fonti filmiche, i processi produttivi, la storia e la sua narrazione", in L. Cortini, Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, 2014, pp. 217-230, 2014)
    • Forme e figure della psicomotricità 

      Padoan, Ivana Maria <Università di Venezia Ca' Foscari> (I.M. Padoan, Forme e figure della psicomotricità, in G. Bandini, S. Oliviero (a cura di), "Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze", 2019, pp.103-116, 2019)
      Psychomotor education became an educational practice around the 1960s. Its history, research and practices are affected by the educational transformation of a transmission or application model of intervention towards a ...
    • Gaming and Digital Public History 

      Nolden, Nico <Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany>; Pfister, Eugen <Universität Wien> (N. Nolden, E. Pfister, "Gaming and Digital Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 309-316, 2022)
      Over the past 50 years the part of digital games in our everyday’s mediause has consistently grown. They are thus an extremely revealing source for publichistory. This chapter argues that digital games are among other ...
    • I giorni della Memoria e del Ricordo. I viaggi di formazione nelle scuole toscane come Public History of Education 

      Bravi, Luca <Università di Firenze> (L. Bravi, I giorni della Memoria e del Ricordo. I viaggi di formazione nelle scuole toscane come Public History of Education, in G. Bandini, S. Oliviero (a cura di), "Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze", 2019, pp. 185-196, (2019)
      The construction of social cadres of memory is a process that is linked to the selection and oblivion of historical events, through a collective narrative aiming at building a sense of belonging and citizenship. Is it ...
    • Historia digital e historia pública 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, Historia digital e Historia pública, in J. A. Bresciano, G.Tiago (a cura di), "La historiografía ante el giro digital. Reflexiones teóricas y prácticas metodológicas ", Montevideo (Uruguay), Ediciones Cruz del Sur, 2015, pp.57-112, (2015)
    • Historians as Digital Storytellers: The Digital Shift in Narrative Practices for Public Historians 

      Santana, Dominique <University of Luxembourg> (D. Santana, "Historians as Digital Storytellers: The Digital Shift in Narrative Practices for Public Historians", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 485-494, 2022)
      Innovations in digital technology have profoundly affected all areas of ahistorian’s professional practice, offering unprecedented opportunities to the (co-)creation and impactful dissemination of historical narratives. ...
    • Historical GIS 

      Mogorovich, Paolo <Università di Pisa>; Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (P. Mogorovich, E. Salvatori, "Historical GIS", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 419-430, 2022)
      The historical GIS is, without any doubt, a powerful means of communica-tion of historical phenomena for the public and also of collecting georeferenceablehistorical source through crowdsourcing activities, but the complexity ...
    • History and Video Games 

      Rochat, Yannick <Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland> (Y. Rochat, "History and Video Games", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 475-484, 2022)
      The aim of this chapter is to highlight some of the constraints present inthe development of games with historical settings, and to explain why historical fal-lacies are sometimes included in games, even though the authors ...
    • History Museums: Enhancing Audience Engagement through Digital Technologies 

      Walker, William S. <State University of New York, USA> (W. S. Walker, "History Museums: Enhancing Audience Engagement through Digital Technologies", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 165-174, 2022)
      This essay argues that simply putting a museum’s collection online, or cre-ating a digital kiosk that includes a collections database, does not constitute audienceengagement. History museums utilize the tools and methods ...
    • History Teaching in the Focus of the Swiss People’s Party – The way Policies Take Influence on Schools, too 

      Gautschi, Peter (P. Gautschi "History Teaching in the Focus of the Swiss People’s Party – The way Policies Take Influence on Schools, too", in M. Demantowsky (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, pp. 137-151, 2018)
    • Homo digitalis 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, Homo Digitalis, in D. Paci (a cura di), "La storia in digitale: teorie e metodologie", Milano, Unicopli, 2019, pp.8-19, (2019)
    • Identities – a historical look at online memory and identity issues 

      Gebeil, Sophie <Aix Marseille University, France> (S. Gebeil, "Identities – a historical look at online memory and identity issues", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 87-96, 2022)
      Since the 1990s, profound changes linked to the globalization of both eco-nomic activities and information, as well as increased individual mobility have givenrise to questions about national identities. This has occurred ...
    • If They are Taxi Drivers – What Are We? Archives and Schools 

      Hodel, Jan (Hodel "If They are Taxi Drivers –What Are We? Archives and Schools'', in M. Demantowsky M (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, , pp. 202-206, 2018)
    • Imagining the Nation throughout School History Master Narratives 

      Carretero, Mario (M. Carretero , ''Imagining the Nation throughout School History Master Narratives", in M. Demantowsky (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, pp 97-108, 2018)
    • Immagini di città dopo i terremoti tra Europa e America 

      Mantini, Silvia <Università degli Studi dell’Aquila> (S. Mantini, Immagini di città dopo i terremoti tra Europa e America, in S. Mantini (a cura di), "Ricostruire storie. Riflessioni e pratiche di Storia moderna". p. 65-81, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2020, 2020)
    • Individuals in the Crowd: Privacy, Online Participatory Curation, and the Public Historian as Private Citizen 

      Gordon, Tammy S. <North Carolina State University> (T. S. Gordon, "Individuals in the Crowd: Privacy, Online Participatory Curation, and the Public Historian as Private Citizen", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 317-326, 2022)
      This essay examinesNC HB2: A Citizens’History, a digital project that gath-ers materials related to North Carolina House Bill 2, also known as“the bathroombill,”legislation that promoted discrimination against transgender ...