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dcterms.contributor.authorVisconti, Federica
dcterms.contributor.authorZullo, Fulvio
dcterms.contributor.authorMarra, Marialuisa
dcterms.contributor.authorDe Masellis, Giuseppe
dcterms.contributor.authorCaiazza, M.
dcterms.contributor.authorCibarelli, Francesca
dcterms.contributor.authorBuonomo, Barbara
dcterms.contributor.authorGuida, Maurizio
dcterms.identifier.citationVisconti F, Zullo F, Marra ML, et al. A new long-term reversible contraception method: sexual and metabolic impacten_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: data relating to the influence of hormonal contraception on sexual life are conflicting and mostly they refer to oral contraceptives. In this study we evalueted the effect of a long-acting contraceptive on sexual finction, metabolism and bleeding pattern variations. Methods: 23 women with a permanent partner and an active sexual life completed a specific questionnaire at the start of the study and after cycles 3 and 6 of contraceptive use; a blood sample was performed oor metabolic evaluation and a "bleeding calendar" was compiled by the patients. Conclusion: There is an increase of quality and frequency of sexual function after 6 month of contraception; there aren't significant change in metabolic parameters and is detectable a modification of bleeding patterns.en_US
dcterms.format.extentP. 86-89en_US
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoen_US
dcterms.titleA new long-term reversible contraception method: sexual and metabolic impacten_US
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