Valorization of tomato industrial by-products in Campania region for sustainable recovery of active compounds and biogenic fuels
Italy is the 2nd country in the world for tomato transformation after USA, due to 5 million tons of
processed fresh fruits every year [1]. The Campania Region, due to its long-standing experience, is
the main and biggest production pool regarding the transformation of tomato in Europe; it is reported
[2], [3] that companies, operating in this region, process almost half of the Italian tomatoes for
industry, namely 2.2 Mton of fresh fruits transformed every year.
The transformation of tomato leads to a huge amount of residues, namely peels, seeds and tomato
pomace. These residues can represent even the 10% in weight of the processed tomato, with a high
moisture content in the range 69-90 % by weight. Considering these data, it is estimated that 64 kton
of tomato by-products are produced every year in Campania. However, their generation concentrates
in only two months, according to the seasonality of the tomato supply chain.
Tomato pomace is composed by a mixture of pulp, skin, and seeds, carrying an enormous content of
high-value compounds as carotenoids in the extractive, pectin and cutin (mainly in the peels), and
glycerides (mainly in the seeds). These by-products are classifiable as a lignocellulosic biomass.
Unfortunately, these residues are disposed of without any income for the tomato transformation
companies, that is as animal feed or in the worst case sent to landfill, thus wasting high-value
compounds and contributing to earth pollution. In principle, tomato processing by-products could be
exploited through thermochemical, biological and chemical conversion to obtain biogenic fuels and
then electricity and heat. Anyway, it is undoubtedly convenient to extract and recover, before
conversion, the high-value compounds present in the pomace. A literature study carried out revealed
3 main components of interest: i. Lycopene, which is the most abundant carotenoid in peels and is
well known to be the most a powerful antioxidant with beneficial effect on cancer and cardiovascular
disease [4], [5]; ii. cutin, which is the main building block of the plant cuticles and it can be used as
starting material for biopolymers; iii. pectin, which is another building block of the cuticle of fruits
and can be used in food processing. As a side work, a careful study on funded European projects
regarding the management of tomato wastes was carried out, assessing and reporting about their
scientific and technical results. Moreover, the interconnection among them was highlighted by
focusing on the contribution that they gave to the European know-how, the management of these by-
products and the progress they reached on waste minimization and valorization. Finally, the industrial
and environmental outcomes of these projects have been reported by highlighting issues and problems
that are still to be overcome
Considering this background, this work focused on the valorization of tomato by-products of
Campania industries for the recovery of both added-value compounds and energy by making recourse
to the “biorefinery cascade approach”, namely a set of integrated unit operations that, while extracting
the most valuable components from biomass first, leads to sustainable co-production of energy, fuel
and high-value chemical compounds, with minimal generation of waste. As show in figure, a first
outcome of this work was a brief block diagram for a multi-products biorefinery based on tomato by-
products. In the first instance, a brief economic evaluation was carried out in order to demonstrate the
importance that tomato residues could have in Campania economy and to estimate the added value
that every year is wasted.
The multi-product biorefinery scheme was divided in operating blocks, like tomato pomace
separation, lycopene extraction, biodiesel production and so on. For each operating block two
alternatives were selected from literature, one typical and commercially available, and the other one
less studied and ‘green’. Then, each alternative was studied, modelled and optimized to check the
tecno-economic feasibility. Microsoft Excel ® and when possible Aspen Plus ® was used to evaluate
mass and energy balances of the different operative blocks. Economic indexes, as gross profit and
return of investment, were used to assess the economic feasibility of each biorefinery section and to
compare different alternatives. In general, results show that valorizing tomato by-products with
cascade approach is technically feasible; moreover, the economic sustainability is always guaranteed,
both for the commercial and the ‘green’ alternatives.
Finally, the Life Cycle Assessment was carried out to quantitatively assess the environmental impacts
of two alternative biorefinery schemes, one based on the conventional techniques and another one on
the ‘green’ alternatives. Then, two different scenarios were modeled for comparing the actual
situation, namely how tomato pomace is disposed of, with the two developed biorefineries. LCA
results shows that both biorefineries perform better than the actual scenario in all categories except
in the ozone depletion and slightly in ionizing radiation. Conventional biorefinery performs worse
than the actual scenario also in cancer effects, climate change and marine eutrophication. In general,
the average reduction is 15.4% for conventional biorefinery and 39.7% for alternative biorefinery.
This result suggests that, from an environmental perspective, processing tomato pomace in an
alternative biorefinery is better than the actual situation. Chosing a conventional strategy would be
less effective, even if it is worth noticing that products output is higher in this case. [edited by Author]