Sfoglia Testi e linguaggi. Vol.7 (2013) per Titolo
Items 1-20 di 27
‘Ich will nach Europa!’: lingua e performance in Perikızı. Ein Traumspiel di E. S. Özdamar
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Perikızı. Ein Traumspiel is a play, conceived and written by the writer, director and German actress of Turkish origin Emine Sevgi Özdamar to be represented within the international project Odyssee Europe in Germany in ... -
Raccontando «tristi storie della morte dei re».Testo, contesto e rappresentazioni del Riccardo II di Shakespeare
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)William Shakespeare’s Richard ii presents philosophical and political themes related to the history of England and a symbolical interpretation of the Wars of the Roses, on the one hand; and to the person of Queen Elizabeth ... -
Gender and Cross-dressing in the Seventeenth Century: Margaret Cavendish Reads Shakespeare
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Is there a woman in Shakespeare? This might sound facetious, but it is not so outlandish in the context of boy actors. Elizabethan drama was after all designed and stagemanaged by men mostly for men. In this context, is ... -
Weird and Queer on tv: The Taming of the Shrew between William Shakespeare and Sally Wainwright
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)The Taming of the Shrew produced by the bbc, written by Sally Wainwright and directed by David Richards is the last of a very long series of screen adaptations of the Shakespearean Shrew and was broadcast in 2005 together ... -
Looking for his “Part”: Performing Hamlet in new millennium Europe
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Much has changed in Europe since the euphoria of the early nineteen-nineties of the last century: massive migration, pan-European Neo-Nazism, a new and active Moslem self-awareness, the resurgence of Russian Nationalism, ... -
«Music to Hear…»: da Shakespeare a Stravinsky
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Two of Shakespeare’s sonnets, 8 and 128, stage an intermedial dialogue between music and poetry. This has challenged a number of modern composers to respond with their own art, among them Igor Stravinsky with a so far ... -
«Unsex Me Here»: Bodies and Femininity in the Performance History of Lady Macbeth
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Jenijoy La Belle argued that Lady Macbeth’s “unsex me here” speech expresses Lady Macbeth’s desire to be made more masculine through amenorrhea. This amenorrhea enables Duncan’s murder, but leaves her barren. La Belle’s ... -
Sipari gotici. Lo strano caso del Dr. Boaden e Mr. Lewis
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Starting from the remarkable intellectual bond linking James Boaden and Matthew Gregory Lewis, this paper investigates the nature of the relationship that, at the end of the eighteenth century, came to be established ... -
Licence to Adapt: the Resilience of the 007 Narration in Casino Royale
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Attolino, Paola. “Licence to Adapt: the Resilience of the 007 Narration in Casino Royale.” «Testi e linguaggi» 7(2013):139-148. [Studi monografici. Letteratura in performance, a cura di A. D’Amelia e A. Piazza] -
Paola Bono (a cura di), Amleto e Macbeth. Sfumature di noir : [recensione]
(Roma : Carocci, 2013) -
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: theatricality of reality against true love?
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Post-modernist film adaptations of Shakespeare often deconstruct the Shakespeare myth, as do Baz Luhrmann’s prolific Romeo + Juliet (1996), Lloyd Kaufman’s lowbudget Tromeo and Juliet (1996) and Fumitoshi Oizaki’s anime ... -
(Roma : Carocci, 2013) -
Strategie del patetico e interludi circensi in Hide and Seek di Wilkie Collins
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Starting from Victor Turner’s definitions of cultural performance and liminoid phenomena, the essay aims to analyse Wilkie Collins’s third novel, Hide and Seek (1854), which seems to be a sort of survey of the pastimes ... -
Shakespeare’s language and the contemporary cinema audience
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Among the many difficulties which are encountered in realising the plays of Shakespeare for the screen, perhaps the greatest is the translation from a primarily verbal medium to a primarily visual one. The decisions made ... -
Pantomime e parodie russe al Teatro degli Indipendenti di A. G. Bragaglia
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)The article examines some performances held in Rome in Anton Giulio Bragaglia’s Teatro degli Indipendenti (Theatre of Independents) by Russian artists (dancers, mimes, musicians and writers) during the Nineteen Twenties ... -
L’infinito intrattenimento. Dickens dalla pagina alle illustrazioni, agli schermi del “primo” cinema
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)The knowledge and the fortune of Charles Dickens’s works are also due to the beautiful illustrations of his short and long novels. The illustrations – painted by Cruikshank, Phiz, Leech – were reproduced as slides for ... -
Dalla scena elisabettiana al teatro di figura: La tempesta di Shakespeare nella traduzione di Eduardo De Filippo
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)In 1983, a year before his death, Eduardo De Filippo translates in seventeenth-century Neapolitan language The Tempest by William Shakespeare (for the Einaudi publishing house in the series Writers translated by writers), ... -
Dal manoscritto alla scena: El piadoso aragonés di Lope de Vega
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)Some of Lope de Vega’s comedies, those witnessed by an autograph manuscript, are of undeniable interest, as they provide the opportunity to observe closely the author’s work of composition which resulted in the text to ... -
Tra narrazione biblica e performatività liturgica: il Planctus virginum Israel super filia Iepte Galadite di Abelardo
(Roma : Carocci, 2013)The Planctus virginum Israel super filia Iepte Galadite is the best known of six poems for music unanimously attributed to Abelard, generally known as the planctus. Reconsideration of some significant moments in the ...