• BlogRoll e risorse digitali per la Public History 

      Dati, Monica <Università di Firenze> (M. Dati, "BlogRoll e risorse digitali per la Public History", in La Public History tra scuola, università e territorio. Una introduzione operativa, Firenze: University Press, pp. 123-136, 2022)
    • Content Management 

      Zaagsma, Gerben <University of Luxembourg> (G. Zaagsma, "Content Management", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 431-438, 2022)
      The use of content management systems (CMSes) in public history is a rel-atively new phenomenon that has greatly enhanced the possibilities of presenting,curating and narrating history online. As CMSes have become increasingly ...
    • Data Visualization for History 

      Grandjean, Martin <University of Lausanne and the EPFL, Switzerland> (M. Grandjean, "Data Visualization for History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 291-300, 2022)
      It is logical that the generalization of digital approaches in history is leading to a democratization of the graphic representation of the data produced by these processes. Rather than presenting long series of examples, ...
    • Digital (Public) History: la nuova strada di una antica disciplina 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Digital (Public) History: la nuova strada di una antica disciplina, «RiMe» 1–I, 2017, pp. 57–94, (2017)
      The digital revolution has had a profound impact on how history is being studied, analyzed, shared, taught, as well as how the sources of the past are published, preserved and even produced. This essay presents an overview ...
    • Digital è public? L’esempio di alcune banche dati a contenuto storico 

      Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri> (I. Pizzirusso, Digital è public? L’esempio di alcune banche dati a contenuto storico, «Novecento.org», 2020, n. 14, (2020)
    • La Digital History : histoire et mémoire à la portée de tous 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, La digital history: histoire et mémoire à la portée de tous, «Ricerche storiche», XLI, 2011, n. 1, pp. 111-148, (2011)
      L’histoire numérique (Digital History) dans sa version 2.0, a certainement permis de désenclaver la «culture haute» mais avec l’apparition du web 2.0, l’histoire et la mémoire sont à présent la prérogative de tout le ...
    • Digital Public History 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, Digital Public History, in David Dean (a cura di), "A Companion to Public History", Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018, pp. 111-124, (2018)
      The Digital Turn in history has reformulated our documentation processes, transformed the ways we archive, treat and access information and has sometimes anticipated new epistemological questions. Yet there is still no ...
    • Digital Public History Inside and Outside the Box 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Digital Public History Inside and Outside the Box, «Magazén» 1, 2020, n. 2, pp. 203-222, (2020)
      The relationship between history and information technology is long and troubled. Many projects have opened and closed, many pioneering initiatives have achieved success and attention, but often they have not ‘taught’ ...
    • Gaming and Digital Public History 

      Nolden, Nico <Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany>; Pfister, Eugen <Universität Wien> (N. Nolden, E. Pfister, "Gaming and Digital Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 309-316, 2022)
      Over the past 50 years the part of digital games in our everyday’s mediause has consistently grown. They are thus an extremely revealing source for publichistory. This chapter argues that digital games are among other ...
    • Help wanted: Thoughts on the recent boom in academic public history jobs 

      Parsons, Anne; Kelland, Lara (L. Kelland and A. Parsons, Help wanted: Thoughts on the recent boom in academic public history jobs «History@Work. The NCPH Blog», 17 september 2012, 2012)
    • História Pública Digital 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, História Pública Digital / Digital Public History, «Liinc Em Revista», 11, 2015, n.1, pp. 28-51, (2015)
      A virada digital na história reformulou nossa documentação, transformou as ferramentas usadas para armazenar, tratar e acessar a informação, e, por vezes, adiantou novasquestões ...
    • Introduction 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze>; Tebeau, Mark <Arizona State University, USA>; Zaagsma, Gerben <University of Luxembourg> (S. Noiret, M. Tebeau, G. Zaagsma, "Introduction", in Handbook of Digital Public History, edited by Serge Noiret, Mark Tebeau and Gerben Zaagsma, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 1-16, 2022)
      This handbook provides a systematic overview of the present state of interna-tional research in digital public history (DPH). Detailed individual studies by interna-tionally renowned public historians, digital humanists ...
    • Italy’s Public Memory of its Main Anti-fascist Martyr: Giacomo Matteotti in the Public Space One Century After his Murder 

      Zucchi, Camilla (2024)
      10th June 1924: the socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti was murdered by a fascist group. After his famous speech in the Parliament, where he denounced Mussolini’s regime machinations, he was kidnapped, killed and his ...
    • Quaderni del LUDiCa (2019). Vol. 1 

      Salice, Giampaolo <Università di Cagliari>; Schivo, Beatrice <Università di Cagliari> (Cagliari: UNICApress, 2022)
      Questo primo numero della collana "Quaderni del LUDiCa" racconta la prima edizione del LUDiCa, il laboratorio di umanistica digitale dell'Università di Cagliari. Un racconto sviluppato dagli studenti e dalle studentesse ...
    • La ricerca sulle ultime lettere della Resistenza dagli anni Cinquanta a oggi 

      Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri> (I. Pizzirusso, ''La ricerca sulle ultime lettere della Resistenza dagli anni Cinquanta a oggi'' «Magazén», 4, 2023, n. 1, pp 121-144, 2023)
      Ultime lettere di condannati a morte e di deportati della Resistenza italiana da- tabase is a no longer very recent tool, yet of great vitality and usefulness, as evidenced by the sporadic but constant additions of ...
    • Risorse digitali per la didattica: una rassegna ragionata 

      Bellacci, Francesco <Università di Firenze> (F. Bellacci, "Risorse digitali per la didattica: una rassegna ragionata", in La Public History tra scuola, università e territorio. Una introduzione operativa, Firenze: University Press, pp. 111-122, 2022)
      The paper presents a reasoned review of digital resources useful for historians and the teaching of public history. This review will not be limited only to the tools of search and treatment of sources on the web, but will ...
    • Storia e fake news: il caso del neoborbonismo 

      Calefati, Christopher; Fiorio, Antonella; Palmieri, Federico (C. Calefati, A. Fiorio, F. Palmieri, Storia e fake news: il caso del neoborbonismo, «Ricerche di storia politica», 2020, n. 1, pp. 59-70, 2020)
      Neo-Bourbonism, as a narrative that describe the Italian unification process as the forced annexation of the South of Italy, has been strongly spreading in last years, especially after the 150th anniversary of the Italian ...
    • The Memorial Afterlives of Online Crowdsourcing: ‘Lives of the First World War’ at Imperial War Museums 

      Foster, Ann-Marie <Northumbria University>; Wallis, James < Independent Scholar> (A-M. Foster, J. Wallis, The Memorial Afterlives of Online Crowdsourcing: ‘Lives of the First World War’ at Imperial War Museums, «Public History Review», 30 (2023), pp. 89-104, 2023)
      From May 2014 to March 2019 the Imperial War Museums launched a large-scale digital crowdsourcing project, ‘Lives of the First World War’. ‘Lives’ melded official and unofficial datasets to create an integrated database ...
    • The Public Good of Digital (Academic) History 

      Lenihan, Rebecca <Victoria University of Wellington> (R. Lenihan, The Public Good of Digital (Academic) History, Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 185–194, 2022)
      Is digital history public history? It does not have to be, but it probably should be. When we make our digital history products freely and publicly available, we not only make our scholarship more transparent, but also ...
    • Trabajar con el pasado en internet: la historia pública digital y las narraciones de las redes sociales 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, Trabajar con el pasado en internet: la historia pública digital y las narraciones de las redes sociales, «Ayer», 2018, 110, n. 2, pp. 111-140, (2018)
      El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cómo la historia pública digital y el contenido generado por los usuarios están estableciendo nuevas formas de actividad profesional en las redes sociales. Definiremos qué son las ...