Analisi degli impatti ambientali indotti da sistemi di gestione dei rifiuti solidi mediante tecniche di life cycle assessment (LCA)
Nowadays, the qualitative and quantitative assessment of environmental
impacts produced by every human activity is a topical field of research.
As a matter of fact, all over the world there is an increasing attention
about the environmental issues and influences exerted by productive and
management sectors. In particular, the management of waste is a crucial
sector involving important aspects of our life as well as it produces
several environmental impacts that have to be adequately monitored and
managed in a sustainable development perspective.
In the first part, this study was focused on the evaluation of the positive
and negative impacts caused on different environmental components by
several municipal solid waste management systems defined at provincial
scale. This assessment was performed by means of two different Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA) procedures called WISARD and SimaPro,
respectively. The LCA procedures were able to calculate the
consequences produced by the whole system as well as by each phase.
While, in the second part, the study was focused on the collection and
transport of materials to determine environmental and economic effects
for ten municipalities from 1000 to 10,000 inhabitants.
The performed analysis taken into account a kerbside collection system
of all recyclables, glass excepted, with a percentage of separate collection
varying in the range of 35% – 80% and transport to composting of
putrescibles, RDF pressed balls production and incineration, final
landfilling. There are other two scenarios, for 80% separate collection,
that consider different alternatives of treatment for residues as dry
residue sorting and final landfilling or direct disposal in landfill.
The obtained results pointed out that the increasing of the percentage
separated collection involves an environmental performances’
improvement of management system and an environmental benefits’
increase. For high percentage of waste separated collection incineration
doesn’t weighed upon impact’s results respectful to dry residue sorting.
The results are similar for both Life Cycle Assessment procedures in
qualitative terms.
With regard phase of collection and transport for communities results
show how impacts rise such as community’s size; opposite management
costs in term of Euro/inhabitant/year increase for the little communities
but don’t depend by the number of inhabitants for the communities with
a population major of 5000 inhabitants.
The multi-criteria analysis was developed giving the same importance to
both economic and environmental variables. The principal result
obtained was that the municipalities up to 4000 inhabitants must get
together to optimize both environmental and management costs. [edited by Author]