• Giovani, religione e pluralismo culturale: percorsi identitari e socializzazione 

      Crespi, Isabella; Ricucci, Roberta (2021)
      According to Sayad (2002), migrations play a 'mirror function', i.e. they allow us to refocus on issues that are already present in immigrant societies but have been overlooked in scien-tific-political analysis and debate. ...
    • Il progetto “Parco InVita” per i giovani 

      Mancini, Martina (2016)
      “Parco Invita” is a social project conceived by Legambiente, an associaciation that fights for environment’s protection; purpose of this project, in particulary, is to empower the green area of ...
    • Sharing economy: la socializzazione fonda lo scambio economico 

      Martini, Elvira; Vespasiano, Francesco (2016)
      The sharing economy expresses a new consumer culture in which the “reuse” and access will replace the purchase and ownership, dispelling the dividing line be-tween public and private. This new model is ...