Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Il ruolo del sapere sociologico e le trasformazioni del welfare
Sociological knowledge objectified becomes indispensable to read the individual and / or social phenomena, in order to translate the theoretical premises in not only technical actions, but also reflective on the ...
Per una sociologia critica delle migrazioni. Alcune notazioni teorico-metodologiche
In this essay we intend to offer a critical analysis on the relationship between the most widespread conceptions about immigration and those that give the social sciences. In the wake of the most recent studies of the ...
“Rhetoric” of the Help-Giving Theory in the Service of the Italian Civil Protection Volunteers
The following article discusses theoretical considerations problematizing issues related to “help-giving” or the “gift of sacrifice”, and presents the service of volunteers of the Nation-al Service of Civil ...
Limiti e opportunità delle scienze sociali
The knowledge of social sciences - while not denying the autonomy of the single disciplines but abandoning the excess of self reference - must become reflective knowledge that promotes the construction of connections in ...
Camilo Torres Restrepo: Political struggle, Sociology and Praxis
The aim of the present article is the study of the thought of Camilo Torres Restrepo through the consideration of the variables that have contributed to their development, in order to emphasize the extraordinary inheritance ...
Sull'utilità e il danno della conoscenza sociologica
The discipline of sociology observes the intertwining of social dynamics and social tendencies in relation to institutional power. How this observation becomes social knowledge concerns different areas: from empirical ...
La rete delle università per gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile: impegni e vision per il 2030
This work focuses on analyzing the commitment of universities to pursue the objectives of
the United Nations 2030 Agenda (SDGs). Significant strategies along these lines, carried
out both at international and national ...
Scarsità e sovranità. Riflessioni sulla sostenibilità alla luce delle idee di Dumouchel e Bataille
The article proposes a reflection on two concepts, related to the theme of sustainability. The first is scarcity, the latter is sovereignty. The article considers the institution of the scarcity on a social level. In this ...