Now showing items 1-10 of 42
Obiettivo acqua. Educazione, etica e valori alla base dello sviluppo sostenibile
Among the objectives of the paper there is the need to show that the SDGS for 2030 are strongly interrelated and that, at least for water, perhaps owing to the universal character of the resource, they ...
Verso uno sviluppo tecnologicamente sostenibile.Strategie per un uso etico delle piattaforme digitali com-patibile con gli SDGs
The use of digital platforms according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has played a dual role. Firstly as a communication tool. Digital platforms are considered stra-tegic both for ...
Lo sviluppo sostenibile del genere, il genere dello sviluppo sostenibile. Prospettive di un processo integrato
Gender and sustainability are joined by twisting together in a logic and consequent way that only in the recent years has been commonly valorized. On the contrary, in the previous so-cieties it seemed that the process of ...
Rendere visibile l’invisibile: disabilità e sviluppo sostenibile tra indicatori e stereotipi
The Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and 2030 Agenda for Sustaina-ble Development are the sign of a paradigm shift in addressing the exclusion and margina-lization of people with disabilities. ...
Future of our Feelings: Sociological Considerations about Emotional Culture in Pandem
The article is devoted to some aspects of the emotional culture of the late modern society,
which will evidently undergo changes due to the new virus pandemic. The author draws on
the opportunities that belong to the ...
Agenda 2030 tra Sviluppo Sostenibile e cultura della sostenibilità: una lettura sociologica
In an international context in which cultural policies are increasingly moving away from a political and social tradition to become a secondary element of economic development strategies, the integration of a social ...
La rete delle università per gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile: impegni e vision per il 2030
This work focuses on analyzing the commitment of universities to pursue the objectives of
the United Nations 2030 Agenda (SDGs). Significant strategies along these lines, carried
out both at international and national ...
Empowerment delle donne e well-being dei bambini: un approccio allo sviluppo umano
The purpose of this essay is to briefly examine the discriminations against women and the possible relation between women’s empowerment and children’s well-being. The study is based on a different approach, the capability ...
Men and Death in the West.Towards a New Interpretive Paradigm?
Up until recently, contemporary Western society seemed to voluntarily ignore death, wrap-ping itself in a silent cocoon. Death disappeared from the public discourse unless it was spectacularised and ...
COVID-19 in China. The Great Wall of Technology
China is the first country to have faced an extensive contagion of Covid-19. The response it
has given, in terms of prevention and control measures, has been effective in eradicating the
virus, even though not completely. ...